Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Happy Birthday Spinny!!!

...and here is your Birthday Monkey. We love you with many, many bunches, muches and verys.

It would be fun, eh?

So tomorrow night at 7:30pm...I'm going a-curling once again. I had a blast last week, and I'm excited to do it again.

Also, it's a league night, so there would be some matches to watch.

If anybody is interested, let me know and we can car pool.


On track

Looks like you're going to hit the goal of 1000 topics.

I remember one time when I whined up a storm to
get 100 comments on a topic. The result was a lot of
energy but not much substance.

Looks like we're getting the opposite of that trying to get to
1000 topics. There are some great topics, but not very much response
to any of them.

Even so, multiple quick topic posting is much more interesting
to me than just trying to drum up 100 comments.

Thus, I hereby apologize for having done that once.

And I promise not to do it again.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...................

The last one is the greatest!

I needed to embed something....

.....yes, I have an addiction.


Word of the Day

Vellux--that soft fuzzy blanket fabric found on many hotel and motel beds...also the epidermis of those loveable little puppets (RIP) called Tub Buddies.

Here's the quandary: I have a whole warehouse full of this stuff...107 three foot cube boxes to be sure and I don't know what to do with it. I can see that we could dye it green and make mighty fine (and very warm) leprechaun/pirate outfits for the float but that will take about 1/4 a box.

Ideas? Suggestions? Kibitzs?

Taking our art to the next step...

St. Patrick's Day is coming up.

I think we should make a green float devoted to pirates.


Because there is a parade.

Sidenote: I'd suggest a St. Patrick's Day Ninja Float...but that's just plum ridiculous.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Vote Skog

Okay, I'm going out on a limb (one that I am liking more and more, the more I think about it) here. I think Skog should run for a
legislative office...and I'm not kidding…maybe not this time, but definitely next. She has the following (don't get a big head Skog) qualities:

  • she's extremely intelligent
  • she's a lawyer (knows the law)
  • she's politically astute
  • she's Republican
  • she comes from fine lineage
  • she's very well spoken
  • she doesn't have skeletons busting to get out of the closet like, oh I dare say it? Owl?
  • she has access to some extremely accomplished folks who know how to raise money, craft campaigns etc.
  • she's really cares about South Dakota
  • and most importantly, she has lots of great shoes

What thinks the rest of ye?

Check it out!

This is crazy..... and somewhat terrifying

All the site I got that from said was "Electric Arc. Breaking a connection at power station causes a large arc."

Somebody please tell me what keeps that from happening all the time and frying all of our brains.

Food tastes better at Spin's house.

#1 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SPIN! Your party was fun.

#2 - Food seriously tastes better at Spin's house. I can't even handle it. I think I ate my body weight in various dips. Then, when I was too full, and only had room for a wee little cupcake...right in front of me appeared a wee little cupcake.

#3 - The music rocked my face off, as usual. Sidenote: I think that Eekerz should look into getting a key-tar so he can join in on the jam. Giant agrees with me.

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SPIN! I don't have to eat for a week.

Word of the day:

apothegm \AP-uh-them\, noun:
A short, witty, and instructive saying.

So what's your apothegm for the day?

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Word of the day: Long deep Sigh

Last Chance Saloon!!!

So now it’s all up to Rounds, the house re-approved the bill yesterday afternoon. And now it’s sitting squarely on Rounds desk. This is our last chance! If you haven’t sent Rounds your letters do it now. If you have, do it again. Call and bog down the phones, write letters and send them in. Bog down his office so deep with opposition, that he has no choice but to say no. Please Now is the time to act.

Click here to contact Mike Rounds

Click here for a pre written form… all you have to do is fill in your information

Office of the Governor
500 E. Capitol Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501

Friday, February 24, 2006

Last one, I swear........today.

These things are freakin' AWESOME!!!

Happy Mardi No Gras Smoking Birthday!!!

Cheers to Fat Tuesday!
Hurray for No Smoking in 2 years!
Happy Birthday SPIN!
Love ya - mean it.

I'm still pretty proud of myself.

To be honest, I'm just working on my HTML....

I think I'm getting pretty freakin' good.

Just in case anyone hasn't seen it...

I have posted a count of the amount of posts needed to get to 1000 as well as taking on the job of updating the date every day. It's over on the right hand side just above wee Max. Let's keep on pushing folks!

Other amazing guitar......ness

Word and question of the day

KA-TET: Literally speaking, ka-tet means “one made for many.” Ka refers to destiny, tet refers to a group of people with the same interests or goals. Ka-tet is the place where many lives are joined by fate.

Question: are we (the members of this lovely pocket of the blogosphere) a ka-tet?

It's been a long time...

For a long time now, the title of the Spave has been a quote from someone's blogging. In the very early days in the place, (...can you believe it... I tried to intentionally misspell "place" as "plave" and typed it correctly, by mistake...)

Spinny would title the blog in her own voice.

The current Spavename is like that again.

No one ever said, "For the record: I am Pro-curling."

(At first I thought it was me, but I checked, and that's not what I said.)

So we have to guess which of the Spavegods is speaking.

I'm not sure I know, but I'm guessing its Spinfly, up to her old trix?


Friday's Caption Contest


Thursday, February 23, 2006


So I'm a member of Zonta, which is a local service organization. Today at lunch we gave away service dollars to many incredible organizations around town. I learned a few things that had a profound impact on me.

First, the United Way classified last year as a year of violence, as there was an increase in violence. This scares me. Rapid City should be a safe community. Many of us believe it is. There are certain neighborhoods where it is safe, but the reality is that Rapid City has a per capita percentage of violence and rape that is disgusting. That needs to stop.

However, we have organizations helping to turn those numbers around, and in the meanwhile, providing much needed services to victims. When she was accepting the donation on behalf of WAVI (Working Against Violence, Inc.), the WAVI Development director shared the following story. Needless to say, many of us were in tears by the end:

She was working in her office and heard the doorbell ringing. The domestic violence shelter is a "lock down" facility for the safety of the residents, so everybody must go through the front door. After a few rings, she realized the receptionist and administrative assistants were not up front, and she went to answer the door herself. She saw a very young girl standing at the door...shivering. The director realized, when she got closer, that it wasn't a girl, but a woman.

The director opened the door and asked the woman if she could help her. The woman came into the shelter, collapsed against the wall, and started bawling.

She brought the woman into the lobby area, which is somewhat private, and asked her what was wrong. "Nothing," the woman said, "It took me two years to get here, and I finally did it."

I'm not going to preach. I'm not going to give statistics. I am going to say this...if you're in an abusive relationship, or you know of somebody that is in one, or that may be in one, let them know about the shelter. Sometimes knowledge is strength, and people need strength to get help. Nobody, and I mean nobody, deserves to be abused.

Some info you might want to pass on to others or have for yourself:
1. The shelter is located on Quincy Street about one block away from the public library.
2. The Domestic Violence Crisis Line is 341-4808
3. The Sexual Assault Crisis Line is 341-2046

Anyway...long story not so short...I feel about the WAVI shelter the same way I feel about the Children's Home. I wish we didn't need them, but I'm glad that they're there.

And that's my public service announcement for the day. Sorry to bring the tone down...but it's been on my mind since lunch.


Word of the Day

deus ex machina \DAY-uhs-eks-MAH-kuh-nuh; -nah; -MAK-uh-nuh\,
1. In ancient Greek and Roman drama, a god introduced by means
of a crane to unravel and resolve the plot.
2. Any active agent who appears unexpectedly to solve an
apparently insoluble difficulty.

In times of affluence and peace, with technology that always seems to arrive like a deus ex machina to solve any problem, it becomes easy to believe that life is perfectible.
--Stephanie Gutmann, [1]The Kinder, Gentler Military

But we also need the possibility of cataclysm (Bush, Cheny, DeLay, Rove, Frist, SD legislature etc), so that, when situations seem hopeless, and beyond the power of any natural force to amend, we may still anticipate salvation from a messiah, a conquering hero, a deus ex machina, or some other agent with power to fracture the unsupportable and institute the unobtainable.
--Stephen Jay Gould, [2]Questioning the Millennium

With all of this talk of birthdays....

...I feel that I should mention that our very own Spinfly's birthday celebration.
The party shall be at spin's house on Sunday, Feb 26, beginning at 5:00 so the Owl can land...(which i think is also the offical start of Marti Gras). So bring your various music making apparatuses (aparatusi?), a smiling face (I suppose you could bring a gift if you felt generous) and lets all have a great time. See you there!!

This is incredible

Geography Bee...

Okay, so go here.

WITHOUT CHEATING, place all fifty states in their proper places. Then, post your score on here.

It's wicked fun.

How many days to the Spaves anniversary?

It should be easy enough to get the right number of post topics up in time.

But perhaps there won't be many responses to them, huh?

Hey, as long as the posts themselves are cool, so what?

Hint to Skleeve, Spinny and Skog. Post your picture series one at a time.

Hint #2, do the math and tell us how many new posts each of us has to put up every day between now and your deadline. Figure that only five people will be doing it. (if mthere are more, it wil just be easier.)

p.s. Thanks to the book gods (Chop & Ethunk) for the loan of Song of Suzannah!

They passed it!

Now I guess it goes back to the House, but it will get voted through again, then its off to Rounds.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Hey...we're on TV.

...so says one of the American Curlers during her match in Torino. I find that awesomely awesome. Don't hate on her...she's from Bemidji, MN, and that's how they roll.

ANYWAY, if any of you have been watching the sport of curling during the Olympic telecasts, you will notice that it's oddly addicting, and it's a nice blend of semi-physical strength and cerebral functioning.

Simply stated, it rocks.

So I'm all "I want to do that," and my dad is all "I saw a poster about a Rushmore Curling Association," and I was all "SHUT UP!"

Long story short....they curl down at the Roosevelt Park Ice Arena every Wednesday from 7:30pm to 9:30pm and Saturdays from 8:00am to 10:00am. I'm going there tonight. You all should come try it out. Bring rubber-soled shoes and $5.

Think of it...we can be Olympians next time around, and in Vancouver, in 2010, it could be me saying to Spin, "Hey...we're on TV." I have a feeling Spin would say, "Yeah we are," and then we would pose like pirates.

Speaking of women's rights...

...this is positivly disgusting.

Click here.

Interesting Twist...

So to sum up the last week or two on this blog, there are many members of the blog incredibly upset that the South Dakota legislature might push through the incredibly embarrassing "abortion bill".

Well, the topic of abortion will also be heard in front of the United States Supreme Court next fall. This decision was made on Justice Alito's first day. Sidenote: When questioned about abortion during his confirmation hearings, Alito said he would keep an "open mind" on the topic.

So what case will be heard? The court accepted, for argument, the Bush Administration's appeal of a decision invalidating the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. That Act created a law that makes it a crime for a doctor to perform an abortion during which a portion of the fetus is outside the woman's uterus at the time the fetus is killed.

The law's supporters maintained that this technique is used only late in pregnancy, and that the law therefore does not present an obstacle to most abortions. However, abortion-rights advocates maintained that the statute's description applies to procedures used to terminate pregnancies as early as 12 or 13 weeks.

There are exceptions to the law, namely when the technique is necessary to save a pregnant woman's life, but interestingly, the exception does not apply to preserve the health of the pregnant woman.

A few years back, the Court heard the arguments in Stenberg v. Carhart, and they overturned a NE law which did not allow an exception for the health of the mother, only if the mother could die. (Note: Interesting similarity to partial-birth act). Why is this important? Well, the decision was 5-4, and Sandra Day O'Connor was in the majority. In the minority were Scalia, Thomas, Kennedy and Rehnquist. As we all know, O'Connor retired and Rehnquist died. They were replace by Alito and Roberts. Roberts is a bit more middle of the road on many issues, but he's still deemed a conservative. Alito is more conservative.

This suggests that Alito COULD make the tie-breaking decision in the new case. Otherwise stated, he could vote contrary to O'Connor, making the decision 5-4 in favor of the Administration's ban.

Sidenote: The last "abortion" decision by the Court was Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood of New England, which was decided on January 18th, and was O'Connor's final opinion before her retirement. It was a unanimous opinion which maintained the Court's long-standing insistence on an exception for medical emergencies. HOWEVER, the Nebraska case I just described was NOT referenced in the decision, which suggests that the Court anticipates a change. Why do I say this? Well, everytime a case is mentioned in an opinion of another case, the "clout" of that case strengthens (aka "precedent"). When a case isn't referred to in another case, especially if it has similar facts or law, that opens the door to an argument that the Court either (1) doesn't find that older case to be good law anymore, or (2) doesn't think that case applies.

To sum up...the Court may chip away at the medical exceptions to abortion. Once you start chipping away at something, subsequent "chips" get easier.

Just thought I'd let you know.

Y'all Made the Paper!!!

Protesters march for women

By Bill Harlan, Journal Staff Writer

RAPID CITY - A couple of dozen protesters, mostly women, gathered Tuesday morning in Wilson Park in Rapid City to send a message to state legislators.

“We believe the 2006 South Dakota Legislature has been all about restricting women’s rights and women’s options,” Democracy in Action organizer Karen Hall said.

Hall described Democracy in Action as a group of “progressive women” — Democrats, Republicans and independents — who advocate for issues such as women’s rights, environmental protection, better access to health care and other social issues.

Democracy in Action, for example, supported Gov. Mike Rounds’ unsuccessful attempt to raise the state’s minimum wage.

“We’re for making women’s lives — everyone’s lives — better,” Hall said.

The protest started with about 20 women, Hall said, but Wilson Park is on busy Mount Rushmore Road, and passers-by joined the group. “Some people stopped their cars, got out and joined us,” Hall said. “It was so awesome. I think people are just waiting for a group like ours to come along.”

Not all passers-by were supportive. “One guy flipped us off,” Hall said. “Another guy shouted, ‘Get back in the kitchen where you belong.’ We just laughed.”

The Legislature this session has considered measures to restrict access to abortion and limit sex education. Hall said her group was happy to learn Tuesday that the state Senate had killed an “abstinence only” sex-education measure. “I think they realized it should be a matter of local control.”

Rather than restricting abortions, Democracy in Action favors helping women prevent unwanted pregnancies. “Nobody wants to have an abortion,” she said. “Women don’t abort pregnancies that are planned and wanted. We should make sure women know how to use contraception and have access to it.”

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


If your curious about those Lilliputians of the subatomic particle world. SDPB is airing "Nova: The Ghost Particle" tonight, on SDPBS at 6 p.m. If you miss tonights show, the feature will air again on Sunday, February 26 at 1 p.m.

We did it!

So, We went to the demonstration for Women's Rights (vote no on HG 1215). There was a great turn out… cold but good. I would venture to guess that there were 50 or so ladies and a couple of gents there. To be honest I was pleasantly surprised at the number of honks and amount of support. There were a few signs of negativism--there was a car of boys that circled around a few times and shouted inappropriate things at us, like "get back in the kitchen" but that was far overshadowed by the woman who drove past at least 15 times and honked and waved every time. I was told later that she was a councilor for rape victims. It was very fulfilling to get the support we received.

The news was there in full force. If you are local watch the news tonight, you might just see some people you know!

OH NO!!!

Bonne chance!!

So Central High Theatre has auditions for the Spring Show starting sometime this week (I think it starts today, but I could be wrong).

Anyway, the show is:

For the slower members of the blog, that photograph represents...West Side Story.

Tee hee. I kid I kid. They're doing Les Miserables, and it's going to be fantabulous.

Eekerz and Giant, I hope you can hear the people sing, and that they sing well.

Lycka till! (No, that sentence ISN'T French)

Love, Skoggle

Monday, February 20, 2006

Here's the thing.

I don't mind waiting to read the "Song of Suzannah."

In fact, I could wait forever, I suppose, now that I know that time is in flux in mid-world.

Even so, now that I know that Borders is out of both Soft and Hard cover editions,
well....you could say that I am jonesing... not that that should make ye any great diffé.

But if it please ya, (and thankee sai), perhaps a lend*, if 'e kennit.

...'n' if it do ya...

* Wiv all the pick-churz and such....

It still amuses me...

Whatever...it's funny.
READ THIS (it's a good summary).


On other fronts...

Voting Woman, Sophia, Mr. Wiken and Mr. Fleming have dealt "the forces of darkness" many a mortal blow on Mt. Blogmore of late.

And did I spy a newcomer with the moniker "I'm just sayin...'" doing battle thereabouts as well? I wonder if we know her (him?) I'm just sayin...

Anyway here are two of my favorite two posts so far:

158. Lexrex asks Voting Woman:
“Can you tell me difference, via ultrasound for example, between a baby conceived by rape and one conceived by consenting adults?”

Voting Woman replies:

Yes I can.
The mother has made the decision to have sex rather than being forced to do so. My womb is mine to do with what I choose. A man’s sperm, put there against my will, is trespassing on my property. It is my understanding that South Dakota legislature is busy passing a bill that says you can use deadly force on anybody who seems to be threatening you, your liberty, or your property, no questions asked. Therefore a man’s sperm, DNA or resulting life, deposited in my body against my will, can be destroyed. No questions asked.

Comment by Woman Voter — 2/17/2006 @ 1:55 pm


Charley house asks Bill Fleming:
“When you post do you simply jam your fists repeatedly into the keyboard until the letters reach a size that pleases you then hit “Say It!”? ”

Fleming replies: No I intentionally post until I think you will come back with something stupid –like you have been routinely of late– and embarass yourself for being the cantankerous, hostlile little insignificant bitch that you are. But keep it up Charley, it makes the blog interesting. And as you’ve already admitted, that’s your primary reason for doing it.

Comment by Bill Fleming — 2/18/2006 @ 5:11 pm

There is more... much more, and suffice it to say that these great shots would not have surfaced without significant contributions from people who frequent this spave.

Thankee sais.

Long days and pleasent nights to ye.

Who will solve the riddles?

The Skleeve posted a riddle below under Chops topic about the lights.
Hard to find, so I thought I'd bring it up here.

What's more powerful than God,
more evil than the devil,
rich people want it,
poor people have it,
and if you eat it you will die!

If you solve it, Skleeve promises to teach you how to make
something cool, like a UFO illusion or something.

There was also mention of "Wastelands" which let's me
report that I am now finished with the "Wolves of the Calla".
(... come, come Kamala. Has this coincidence escaped anyone?)

And Mia is on the loose.

I'd sure like to see the books with the pictures in 'em someday.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Spinny is, well, spinning...not leaping this year

Time for some good old homespun Spinny fun. Dust off the clackers and the shakers, bring the kazoos, accordions and whistlin' blades of grass…oh yeah, don't forget those guitars, harmonicas and Steinway grand pianos. Spinny's having a birthday. Come one, come all! Sunday February 26, 2006 for the 26th or the 6.5th (she is after all a leaper).
Conviviality, jubilation, hilarity will begin at 4:00 pm.

With all this talk of Pirates and Ninjas...

I feel that I should reenforce my side and repost this link

Happy President's Day Weekend!!

These are really cool

Click here

... P.S. I'm making some soon.

Some of you know Myspace, Some of you dont...

I asked a friend THE question:

"Who would win in a battle of epic proportions between Pirates and Ninjas?"

his responce was so good that he posted it as a bulliton...

here it is:

Dear Friends,

Recently I was asked about my opinion on a vital topic concerning our national and cultural security. Being the thoughtful and reflective person that I am, I carefully considered the matter and bring the fruits of my mind here to you, my reader.

"Who would win in a battle of epic proportions between Pirates and Ninjas" Spinfly asks...

Hmm, after researching the topic for awhile, using the film, "Hook" and the greatest show ever, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"... I have developed the following postulations.

1. Ninjas have really cool uniforms, but nothing is cooler than a wooden appendage.

2. Pirates often lust after treasure, whereas any ninja lusts after blood, and buckets of it.

3. Ninjas have those cool throwing star thingees, but any Pirate worth his salt can shoot a flintlock pistol. With an eyepatch. On a ship.

4. Bill Cosby is really stupid. Why did we ever like that guy? I mean, anyone can strut around and look stupid. Look at Mick Jagger. Or Gallagher. I mean, isn't it amazing that someone actually paid money to him for his special brand of "comedy"? What's going though your mind as you sign a contract with Gallagher? Probably the same thing going through the minds of anyone who bought an Amigo after seeing those stupid commercials.

5. Ninjas rely on stealth and cunning. Pirates rely on bravado and cunning. The two cunnings cancel each other out, and "B" for bravado comes before "S" for stealth, alphabetically, so I would say the Pirates win this one.

6. Any good Pirate Captain has a cool pet, like a monkey or a parrot. Ninjas on the other hand, if they deign to co-exist with an animal, have wierd trading card anime type creatures that usually have super powers and un-pronouncable names.

Parrot: "Polly wanna cracker"

Ninja Trading Card Anime Pet: "Get ready for my super-ultra lucky fun conspicuous roundhouse battle kick! Yearrrrrrrggghhhh!"

So, I'd say the Pirates win this one.

7. Pirates have a girl in every port. Ninjas have the disembodied heads of their defeated enemies to comfort them at night. Ninjas win this one hands down.

8. Pirates say cool things like "Ahoy, Matey!" and, "Shiver Me Timbers!" Ninjas say a bunch of stuff in japanese that I don't understand. They get "cool" points, but if they're pissed at me, I want to know about it, since they get real sneaky sometimes.

9. Ninjas get a point for authentic Ninja names like Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo.

10. Pirates often gloat and give long "walking-the-plank" speeches to their victims. If you know a Ninja wants you dead, it's already too late.

11. All Pirates and All Ninjas bow to the Supreme Might and Authority of Voltron, Because His Individual Feline Pieces are Much Mighter and More Masterful than All Pirates and All Ninjas. However, if Chuck Norris arrived, all bets are off. The world is not prepared for a battle between Chuck Norris and Voltron. The concept of this battle alone should make you weep and tremble.

So, as you can see, in the aforementioned epic battle between Ninjas and Pirates... it's close, but the Pirates would win. However, it would be a sad thing for the world to be deprived of either demographic group. Plus, with our luck, the anime trading card creatures would survive and we'd have to take them to the humane society. I mean, who would want a pet that requires you to draw a card from a deck when you want it to take a leak?

Thank you for your attention concerning this urgent matter.

Friday's Caption Contest


Thursday, February 16, 2006

Because it's Amurrrrrrican...

It's real, people. Go here.

A counter to the Heinz me thinks.

Monkey Invasion!!

This monkey has something to say.

The Cartoon?

What is it that they want the Danes to do? Can they just turn around and say sorry we published the stupid cartoon? Have they apologized for anything yet? I guess I just want to know what it is they need to have happen for all of the rioting to stop.

2005 Darwin Awards!!!

The 2005 Darwin Awards are in. It doesn't appear that they have named a winner, but they really don't need to do that... FYI: You do need a morbid sense of humor to truly appreciate these. Here are some of my favorites:

One fateful afternoon, 55-year-old Marko retreated to his semi-detached workshop to make himself a tool for chimney cleaning. The chimney was too high for a simple broom to work, but if he could attach a brush to a chain and then weigh it down with something, that would do the trick. But what could he use as a weight?

He happened to have the perfect object. It was heavy, yet compact. And best of all, it was made of metal, so he could weld it to the chain. He must have somehow overlooked the fact that it was also a hand grenade and was filled with explosive material.

Marko turned on his welding apparatus and began to create an arc between the chain and the grenade. As the metal heated up, the grenade exploded. The force of the explosion killed poor Marko instantly, blasting shrapnel through the walls of the shed and shattering the windshield of a Mercedes parked outside. Marko's chimney was untouched, however.


It's no secret that elephants are big. Elephants eat hundreds of pounds of food a day just to maintain their weight. Indian elephants are nine feet tall at the shoulder. They're so powerful that in Southeast Asia, males are used to haul massive tree trunks with their three-foot tusks, work performed by heavy equipment in other countries.

It's also no secret that teasing an animal makes it mad. Teasing a animal that can carry a tree with its tusks may not be a good idea. Yet that was the very idea that formed in Prawat's head, when he saw a herd of five performing elephants chained to trees outside a Buddhist temple.
While the owner waited inside for an entertainment permit, Prawat, a 50-year-old rubber-tapper, offered sugar cane to one of the ever-hungry elephants... then pulled it away. Then he did it again. And again. And again.

The game was great fun for Prawat, but the elephant quickly tired of it. The last time Prawat withdrew the treat, the elephant swung his massive tusks and gored him through the stomach. Prawat died on the way to the hospital. The elephant got his treat.


"If Wales wins, I'll cut my balls off," Geoff told his mates at a social club while watching the rugby match between England and its arch-rival. His friends thought the 26-year-old was joking, but after Wales' 11-9 victory over England, he went home, castrated himself with a knife, and walked the length of two rugby fields back to the bar to show his shocked friends the evidence.

It was Wales' first home win over England in 12 years. Geoff was taken to a hospital where he remained "in a seriously ill condition."

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

In Local News

Hey Guess what...

I'm right brained!

I took this test and it told me so!

It also said...
Holisitc Processing information from whole to part; sees the big picture first, not the details.

Random Processing information with out priority, jumps form one task to another.

Concrete Processes things that can be seen , or touched - real objects.

Intuitive Processes information based on whether or not it feels right know answer but not sure how it was derived.

Nonverbal Processes thought as illustrations.

Fantasy-Oriented Processes information with creativity; less focus on rules and regulations

So there you go... thats me! la dee frackin da!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Believed Shooting Victim Was Zawahiri, Veep Says

Vice President Dick Cheney revealed today that he shot a fellow hunter while on a quail hunting trip over the weekend because he believed the man was the fugitive terror mastermind Ayman al-Zawahiri.

Mr. Cheney acknowledged that the man he sprayed with pellets on Saturday was not al-Zawahiri but rather Harry Whittington, a 78-year-old millionaire lawyer from Austin, blaming the mix-up on "faulty intelligence."

"I believed I had credible intelligence that al-Zawahiri had infiltrated my hunting party in disguise with the intent of spraying me with pellets," Mr. Cheney told reporters. "Only after I shot Harry in the face and he shouted 'Cheney, you bastard' did I realize that this intelligence was faulty."

Moments after Mr. Cheney's assault on Mr. Whittington, Mr. al-Zawahiri appeared in a new videotape broadcast on al-Jazeera to announce that he was uninjured in the vice president's attack because, in his words, "I was in Pakistan."

An aide to the vice president said he believed that the American people would believe Mr. Cheney's version of events, but added, "If he was going to shoot any of his cronies right now it's a shame it wasn't Jack Abramoff."

At the White House, President George W. Bush defended his vice president's shooting of a fellow hunter, saying that the attack sent "a strong message to terrorists everywhere."

"The message is, if Dick Cheney is willing to shoot an innocent American citizen at point-blank range, imagine what he'll do to you," Mr. Bush said.

This be a post about pirate names. Arrrrrrrrrrg!!

My pirate name is:
Captain Mary Kidd
Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from fidius.org.

Sidenote: Pirates beat Ninjas.

Okay...I'm over it...

Click here. It helped me with my angst about today.

I prefer the cake.

This is freaking amazing!

I want one

This kept me busy for a little while.

For Spin and Chop...

We've all seen how wonderful Spin and Chop can be when they doodle online.

Therefore, I think they should enter some pieces here.

I think this for two reasons:
1) I think their pieces of online art would do well, and
2) It's fun to say "rate my doodle".

Monday, February 13, 2006

I probably shouldn't go there, but...

I probably shouldn't bring this up, but when I was driving back to work after a nice lunch with my brother, I noticed the following sign outside of Fjord's:



A long long time ago...

I posted this. (take a moment... enjoy... reflect)

Anyway it was part of a master plan...

Here is the conclusion

Rock and Roll!

Drinking and Riding...

Okay, part of my Monday morning ritual is to read the decisions by the South Dakota Supreme Court for the last week.

Anyway...just thought I'd let all of you know that the Court just published their decision in State v. Bordeaux. In that case, the Defendant (Bordeaux) was charged with a DUI after being stopped in Sioux Falls. He blew a 0.225.

You're all sitting there going, "Uh...yeah...that seems straight forward enough."

Well it is if he was driving a car. He was not driving a car, he was riding a bicycle. The South Dakota Supreme Court held that "being in control of a vehicle" pursuant to the statute, does include riding a bicycle.

Now Bordeaux was found on a city street, but remember that sidewalks are also considered under the domain and control of the City.

Something to keep in mind before you jump on your Schwinn under the mistaken belief that you won't get in trouble if you are drizzidy drizzunk.


F to the unny...

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Tirade on Blogmore

For those interested, there are a few sizzling hot scourgings of thise supporting SDHB1215 on the Mount.
...also input from a few folks you all know. I'll be disgusted if this bill makes it through. It is an abortion in its own right.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

What to do?

The South Dakota legislature is, on the one hand busy passing a bill that says you can use deadly force on anybody who seems to be threating you, your liberty, or your property, no questions asked.

Then, on the other hand, it says if you're a woman who has become pregnant, you have to have that baby, no matter what. In other words, a whole raft of personal liberties are being stolen from you.

So here's my question.

If both laws pass, and you are a pregnant woman from SD, and you see a SD legislator on the road, is it ok to shoot him?

I'm just sayin...

Friday, February 10, 2006

Friday's Caption Contest...


Here is my thinking, correct me if I’m wrong,

I was just doing some figuring, and as of right now there have been 805 posts on this blog, and the blogs birthday is on March 21st. If we want to reach the goal of 1000 posts by the blogs birthday we have to get to work.

As it is now we need 195 more posts. We have 39 days to reach the goal. Over the last year the blog’s posting average has been roughly 2.5 posts a day. At this rate I figured it would take 78 more days, we clearly do not have 78 more days.

I think (and please correct me if I am wrong) that if we had 5 posts a day, from here on out we would make it. It could get dicey on the weekends. The challenge of course is to make all of the post relevant and still containing some amount of interest rather than posting a bunch of junk for the sake of reaching our goal.

What do you think, folks, is it doable?

I am toying with the idea of making a counter, if you will, that will be updated occasionally, (and I do mean occasionally) to keep you all informed.

As You Like It Cast List

Duke S: Streeter Shining
Duke F: Phil Bangs
Amiens: Mike Lemay
Jaques: Richard Jacome
Lebau: Keegan Kellogg
Charles: Jim Burow
Oliver: Joey Lore
Jakes: Robby Martin
Orlando: Timothy Larson
Adam: S. Roy Dishman
Touchstone: Ted Mcbride
Sir Oliver Martext: TBD
Corin: Jack Delany
Sylvius: Dylan Fleming
William: TBD
Hyman: TBD

Rosalind: Laura Savage
Celia: Paula Kennison
Phebe: Rosie Duke
Audrey: Jaye Grant
Duke F Protection: Amber Borkovec
Duke F Protection: Julie Barto
Duke Page: Brittany Whitney
Duke Page: Alexia Jutila

For Chop...

Chop, although I disagree with you in the Ninja v. Pirate fight...I did want to let you know about this t-shirt.

Sidenote: I flipping love Oregon Trail.

Remember, that one time....

when people talked like truckers...

.... that was awesome.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

A Short Story, by Spinfly

I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when all of a sudden a little bird knocked on the door. I answered and the bird said "hello, I was just at the Allied Arts Fund raiser"

"Is that so, I knew some folks attending that event this evening." I replied.

"Yes indeed," said the bird. "That is actually why I stopped by this evening. I wanted to tell you about a conversation I overheard."

I asked the bird if it would like to come in for a cup of tea. "Ah, Thank you but I have no time." The bird replied. "I have lots more stops before I must return to the misses at the nest. I wanted to tell you that I saw your friend Owl having a conversation with another fellow. He turned to the guy and said 'That Skog is nice, smart, a fun gal and one of my heroes even though she is young.' Anyway, I thought I would share that with you, and I must me on my way"
I asked once again if there was anything I could get for the nice bird, but he again declined. We said our goodbyes and the bird went on his way.

Meanwhile, out in the doldrums...

Toad, as usual, can find a spark where otherwise there was none.

Maybe you want to go there.


Then let's get busy on our own.


Its a sad day for South Dakota and a sad day for America

Read this article in the Rapid City Journal for all the dirt (and I do mean dirt)

I read that article and it made me sick. I am a young independent woman who is secure in the fact that I have the right to do with my body what I choose, and live my life however the hell I feel like it. I do feel raped by this bill, my rights have been torn from me in a country that is suppose to stand for "freedom". All this bill will accomplish, is to make it so the woman who can afford to leave the state to get an abortion, will. And the poor and less fortunate will be forced to have children they are not ready to have and raise them in unfair and unwanted living environments. This money, this "anonymous 1 million dollars" should be spent educating woman on how not to get pregnant instead of taking there options away from them. The bill currently also makes it illegal for a girl who has been raped to have an abortion. (Read that sentence again and tell me that’s not messed up) I know, that if you have read the article, it says they are planning to change that, but the fact is that this state, my state, still passed the bill.

I need to know what can be done about this, I need to know that we can fix this. It was almost enought for me to want to leave South Dakota all together. I hate it, and I need help to find out how to make this right.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


...and what the heck is this all about?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Kissin' Cousins

Yep Yep. I found anudder one of them online funny quizzes. I'm gonna celebrate by kissin' my cuzzin!

Skoggle's Hillbilly Name Is...
Linda Sue Carter

Sidenote: I am beyond excited that my name is similar to the one and only WONDER WOMAN.

The hills are alive with the sound of...

You can click here:
Pick your favorites or pick the winners.
Who knew that there were soooo many categories?!
Tomorrow night!
Let's hear it for music....(umm..can't hear you.)

I have to do it...

So I just write a nice post and what happens? Well 1/2 hour later, a friend e-mails me a hysterical link and I decide I have to share it with all of you. I'm like that.


Don't let that belittle what I posted below, and please don't think I'm trying to lessen the seriousness of what I posted.

But please...if you need to giggle, go to Chewbacca's Blog.

Remembering Mrs. King...

So most of you know that Coretta Scott King passed away. Her funeral is today. Here's a link to some information.

Anyway...I wanted to post a quick note about the importance of the King legacy. The Kings, Martin and Coretta, taught a nation that peaceful protest can be more effective than a fight. That to help somebody see the way, education is more important than force. Yes, they put themselves in the line of fire (i.e. "That's why they chose Birmingham"), but instead of responding to the sticks with bricks or chains, they responded with a steady gaze and a plea for equality.

Through the activism of Dr. Martin Luther King and Coretta Scott King, I learned that equality is not saying "You owe me X, Y and Z," but rather it's "Let's all walk through the same door." A simple lesson...but an important one.

So now we're in the times where the Civil Rights Icons who were not killed by hate are losing out to time. Rosa Parks passed away last year and now the world has lost Coretta Scott King, who continued down her peaceful activist past after her husband's untimely assassination. She chose peace and perseverance, preserving her husband's legacy while creating one of her own.

And that's what I have to say about that.

Monday, February 06, 2006

36 Superior Awards at STATE!

The cast and crew of "Eulogy", central High School Theatre's entry into the State Festival, won praises and accolades from all three judges. The theatre on the campus of the University of South Dakota was packed and the overflow space where a closed circuit TV broadcasted the performance was also completely full. The students were wonderful ladies and gentlemen and were outstanding ambassadors for the department, the school, and the art form.

Each member of the cast won a superior ensemble award, the cast and crew each one a superior performance award, and the show itself won a superior trophy.

Congratulations also to Ryan Siebrasse and the stevens' cast of "Discovering Delphinus" for also receiving a superior award at state.

This town has amazing talent! One judge said, "If the government only knew how wonderful and creative these young people are - the world's problems would be solved!" I agree.

Smart People Test...

I'm going to refrain from commenting on how I think certain people will do...

But I'm judging on the inside.

Below are four ( 4) questions and a bonus question. You have to answer them instantly. You can't take your time, answer all of them immediately.

Let's find out just how clever you really are.

First Question: You are in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?

Answer: If you answered that you are first, then you are absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second!

Try not to screw up in the next question.

Second Question: If you overtake the last person, then you are...?

Answer: If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST Person?

You're not very good at this! Are you?

Third Question: Very tricky math! Note: This must be done in your head only. Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it. Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10. What is the total?

Answer: Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually 4100. (Sidenote: This one got me)

Fourth Question: Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono. What is the name of the fifth daughter?

Answer: Nunu? NO! Of course not. Her name is Mary. Read the question again.

Okay, now the bonus round: There is a mute person who wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing one's teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done. Now if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express himself?

Answer: He just has to open his mouth and ask, so simple.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Friday's Caption Contest...


Dang Spammers

Okay, so I know that I've been posting some ridiculous stuff lately. However, with the exception of the Battle Robots (failure), they have been rather amusing.

Moving on...

I hate spammers...but if I was a spammer, I'd like to know what my name would be...

My Spammer Name is: Hermann L. Casualty.

What's your spammer name?

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I did this...

...I liked it

.... I thought I would share....

Sound clips from Princess Bride

Challenge Part III



is a Large Robot that fires Shuriken, is fitted with Armour Plating, has Hundreds of Tiny Wheels and a Plastic Dome for a head, and runs on Alcohol.

Force: 10 Handling: 3 Weaponry: 1

To see if your Battle Robot can
defeat Skoggle, enter your name and choose an attack:

fights Skoggle using

For extra PB credit

In the story that the "inconcievable" guy below comes from,
what are the names of the horses the hero rides –
and how did he did he ride them?

Also, what character did Billy Crystal play, and what are two of
his most famous lines in the movie?

And finally, what other trivia questions about this story should I have asked?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


So they found Bush's first draft for the State of the Nation


.... He's dumb!


Due to the sucess of yesterday's Battle Monkey fights...



is a Collosal Moth that has Enormous Tusks, moves at Great Speed, and swats Aeroplanes like Flies.

Strength: 13 Agility: 5 Intelligence: 4

To see if your Giant Battle Monster can
defeat Skoggle, enter your name and choose an attack:

fights Skoggle using