Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Word of the Day

Vellux--that soft fuzzy blanket fabric found on many hotel and motel beds...also the epidermis of those loveable little puppets (RIP) called Tub Buddies.

Here's the quandary: I have a whole warehouse full of this stuff...107 three foot cube boxes to be sure and I don't know what to do with it. I can see that we could dye it green and make mighty fine (and very warm) leprechaun/pirate outfits for the float but that will take about 1/4 a box.

Ideas? Suggestions? Kibitzs?


Blogger Spinfly said...


Tue Feb 28, 11:43:00 AM MST  
Blogger Sarah said...

It really depends how many pirates are on the float, Ethunk.

In addition, we could make additional blue costumes for people and have them walk around the float.

That would give off the appearance that we are in the water.

Tue Feb 28, 11:44:00 AM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Ethunk, sell 'em on Ebay.

Tue Feb 28, 11:55:00 AM MST  
Blogger EThunk said...

...Johnny...I will have to look for those pics. You were such a little cutie.

...um Skog, are you planning on sewing both the green and the blue pirate garbs? I have seven screamin' industrial sewing machines. I'm sure Dancin would love to deliver them to your door.

...Owl we are definately going to try the ebay route...as soon as Chop-O-Mo-Fly gets finds the will and motivation to snap some pics. There is just so much of it though and a wee, bitty might of a trademark issue.

Tue Feb 28, 01:21:00 PM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

It's remnant goods right? Just be sure to put a ® after the word Vellux®.

Tue Feb 28, 02:23:00 PM MST  
Blogger Sarah said...

Do you have industrial-sized and strength glue guns? Cuz I'll glue the heck out of the costumes.

Tue Feb 28, 03:39:00 PM MST  

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