Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Cartoon?

What is it that they want the Danes to do? Can they just turn around and say sorry we published the stupid cartoon? Have they apologized for anything yet? I guess I just want to know what it is they need to have happen for all of the rioting to stop.


Blogger Bill Fleming said...

I've heard that the people inciting the riots have actually drawn their own cartoons far worse than anything Denmark papers ever published, and blamed them on the Danes. There's no stopping people who want to riot. It's chaos, out of control. The Danes are pawns in it. They can't do anything. The rioters themselves will just have to run out of gas. It's like a virus, it'll just have to run its course.
That's what I think anyway.

Thu Feb 16, 09:14:00 AM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Don't you think it's interesting that our media here in the US won't show any of the cartoons on TV or in the paper? Seems like we're afraid of our own shadows these days.

Thu Feb 16, 09:18:00 AM MST  
Blogger Spinfly said...

I also don’t understand the hatred in these specific riots towards the U.S. Is it the general hatred for the “Western Culture” or is it just ignorance, and not really knowing what it is that they are pissed about in the first place?

Thu Feb 16, 09:29:00 AM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

According to the Koran (Q'ran), anyone who is not a Muslim is an "infidel" and bound for hell. It's hard to love us when your religion says we're basically on the side of the devil. There is nothing similar to the tolerence we know from Christianity and Judiasm in the Islam faith. The only reason some Moslem's like is is that they have been "secularised." That means they have come to understand that a lot of their religion is harmful superstition, and they don't really believe in it completely. They've decided to keep an open space in their hearts. This is true of Christians and Jews as well. If we really lived strictly by the bible, we would be a very hateful and paranoid people indeed. The religion that comes closest to being a good one (to me) is Jainism. If everybody was a Jain, the world would be much more peaceful and loving. But we'd have to put up with a lot more weeds and bugs, since they refuse to kill or harm anything. To them, all life is holy. I think they might be on to something. So did Gahndi. He was a Jain.

Thu Feb 16, 10:01:00 AM MST  
Blogger EThunk said...

...maybe the religious right can learn something here. Cheap, effective and oh how crafty.
(fear * hate) + (cartoon * riots) = recruits that will die lovin' the cause.

Thu Feb 16, 05:23:00 PM MST  

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