Tuesday, February 21, 2006

We did it!

So, We went to the demonstration for Women's Rights (vote no on HG 1215). There was a great turn out… cold but good. I would venture to guess that there were 50 or so ladies and a couple of gents there. To be honest I was pleasantly surprised at the number of honks and amount of support. There were a few signs of negativism--there was a car of boys that circled around a few times and shouted inappropriate things at us, like "get back in the kitchen" but that was far overshadowed by the woman who drove past at least 15 times and honked and waved every time. I was told later that she was a councilor for rape victims. It was very fulfilling to get the support we received.

The news was there in full force. If you are local watch the news tonight, you might just see some people you know!


Blogger Sarah said...

I'm honored to be friends with somebody who stands up for what she believes in and has the strength to go out in public, in an incredibly conservative city, and say "This isn't cool."

Snaps for Spin, and for all other men and women who went to the protest.

Tue Feb 21, 04:17:00 PM MST  
Blogger EThunk said...

Snaps indeed, there were snapping fingers, ears, noses...it was bitter windy, cold. Still, the turn out was great for such short notice (the whole thing was organized yesterday I think.)

As we stood there, teeth clattering yet boyserous none the less, the thought, "I wonder how many clients we will loose over this one," came to mind over and over. And well we might. The media was facinated with our end of the block because standing there were intellegent, beautiful young women, moms, grandmoms, great grandmoms and one just-water-toe-touchin young man.

My mom, her mom (and that whole generation of women) faught dearly for women's equal rights. Today, that blood ran true again. I was proud, cold but very, very proud.


Tue Feb 21, 05:36:00 PM MST  

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