Thursday, February 09, 2006

Its a sad day for South Dakota and a sad day for America

Read this article in the Rapid City Journal for all the dirt (and I do mean dirt)

I read that article and it made me sick. I am a young independent woman who is secure in the fact that I have the right to do with my body what I choose, and live my life however the hell I feel like it. I do feel raped by this bill, my rights have been torn from me in a country that is suppose to stand for "freedom". All this bill will accomplish, is to make it so the woman who can afford to leave the state to get an abortion, will. And the poor and less fortunate will be forced to have children they are not ready to have and raise them in unfair and unwanted living environments. This money, this "anonymous 1 million dollars" should be spent educating woman on how not to get pregnant instead of taking there options away from them. The bill currently also makes it illegal for a girl who has been raped to have an abortion. (Read that sentence again and tell me that’s not messed up) I know, that if you have read the article, it says they are planning to change that, but the fact is that this state, my state, still passed the bill.

I need to know what can be done about this, I need to know that we can fix this. It was almost enought for me to want to leave South Dakota all together. I hate it, and I need help to find out how to make this right.


Blogger Sarah said...

I think you could start by sending this post to the Rapid City Journal. It's incredibly well written.

Thu Feb 09, 01:32:00 PM MST  
Blogger Sarah said...

Sidenote: Your link takes us to an article about a murder in Pierre.

Thu Feb 09, 01:33:00 PM MST  
Blogger Spinfly said...

I fixed that Skog. Odly enough they replaced the Artivle I linked to with that one, and the Abortion article now is no where to be found.

Thu Feb 09, 02:13:00 PM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

There will be a challenge to this, probably several of them. First from Planned Parenthood and the ACLU.
Then it will go through all the courts and finally (if the lawmakers get their way) to the Supreme Court of the US. The law is clearly unconstitutional and everybody knows it. The whole purpose of it is to try to overturn Roe v. Wade. I don't think it will ever go into effect. As long as it stays in court, things stay as they are, right Skogg? Remember, Governor Rounds vetoed the last bill like this. Chances are, he'll veto this one too, unless he wants SD to become the laughing stock of the nation.

But Skoggs right. It's time for all women to mobilize, come together regardless of political party affiliation, fight like hell, and tell your State House and Senate representatives that you're fed up with this crap. Organize all your friends, get them to register to vote, and vote the bastards out.

That's as much as I know about the process.

(In the old days, women used to wear t-shirts and carry signs with a graphic of a coat hanger on them... maybe it's time those showed up again?)

Thu Feb 09, 03:16:00 PM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Bon, do a graphic of a coat hanger with a pool of blood dripping off of it. Then maybe have a headline that says:

"The good old boys want to bring back the bad old days."

Thu Feb 09, 03:23:00 PM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Woops, I meant Spinny (wrong blog)!

Thu Feb 09, 03:24:00 PM MST  
Blogger EThunk said...

Okay, it seem the article has disappeared off However it appears to me that the bill was just coming out of committee. Isn't there something we common plebeians can still do to stop this? Owl? Skogg? Eric? (shesh, how many government classes did I sleep through?)

Thu Feb 09, 07:00:00 PM MST  
Blogger Sarah said...

I don't think that the Governor will veto that bill for a few reasons:
1. It would be political suicide...and although that's a stupid reason if you don't believe in a's a practical reason if you want to remain governor.
2. The Governor is incredibly pro-life.

I really don't like when our state makes the news for something so flipping ridiculous.

Thu Feb 09, 08:39:00 PM MST  
Blogger EThunk said...

Governor Rounds is a pretty popular governor and like Skogg said, he is deeply entrenched in the pro-life camp. The reason he vetoed last time was because the previous bill was ill-conceived and at that time abortion, er veto was still legal.

Fri Feb 10, 04:13:00 PM MST  

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