Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Remembering Mrs. King...

So most of you know that Coretta Scott King passed away. Her funeral is today. Here's a link to some information.

Anyway...I wanted to post a quick note about the importance of the King legacy. The Kings, Martin and Coretta, taught a nation that peaceful protest can be more effective than a fight. That to help somebody see the way, education is more important than force. Yes, they put themselves in the line of fire (i.e. "That's why they chose Birmingham"), but instead of responding to the sticks with bricks or chains, they responded with a steady gaze and a plea for equality.

Through the activism of Dr. Martin Luther King and Coretta Scott King, I learned that equality is not saying "You owe me X, Y and Z," but rather it's "Let's all walk through the same door." A simple lesson...but an important one.

So now we're in the times where the Civil Rights Icons who were not killed by hate are losing out to time. Rosa Parks passed away last year and now the world has lost Coretta Scott King, who continued down her peaceful activist past after her husband's untimely assassination. She chose peace and perseverance, preserving her husband's legacy while creating one of her own.

And that's what I have to say about that.


Blogger EThunk said...

And today they remembered Ms. Coretta, some venues were pure politics and some weren't (thankfully). Where are these leaders today? We need them so very badly.

Tue Feb 07, 06:50:00 PM MST  

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