Friday, December 30, 2005

Its time I share this with the rest of you!

I'm sure you are all aware of the world of instant messaging. We do it here at the office to communicate with each other with out having to get up, or yell across the office. Its also a great tool for keeping in touch with people out of town, or making plans with people that are in town… I’ve done its since back in the day’s of CompuServe. But these days there are several different ways to do it… I would have to say that my favorite way to instant message would have to be through yahoo’s instant messages for one reason and one reason only! They have a fabulous feature called the doodler. This allows you, and the person you are chatting with to draw together. At first it was kind of fun and silly, then my skills got tighter, and then one very important day I found the all important, all knowing, all powerful “SECRET CRAYON”.

You see before the secret crayon you were confined to the 12 or so colors yahoo provided for you to color with. But one day, completely by accident all of a sudden I had a secret crayon that made it possible to paint in what ever color I desired… and the flood gates open. I do this “yahoo drawing” with about 3 people. These are the drawings that have been done that I have felt were worth saving.

I hope you like them as much as we have enjoyed making them!

k, I did it!

Only cause I wanted it done... and I'm not sure Santermes can quite do it with out a little hep from his elves!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Thanks? + Kong (oh my god!)

I have a suspicion that someone who frequents this Spave left a copy of Stephen King's "Gunslinger" in my car – perhapes for me to read (it looks new) or perhaps because they themselves want to read it, but forgot where they left it. If it's the former, thanks! If it's the latter, sorry, but I seem to have lost it again. It will probably surface in the next week or two, but will likely be dog (or cat) eared and spine-weary. I think Cheekie Kiss Kiss might be reading it in secret during the days when we are away from home, curled up on the red couch, and then hiding it when she hears the car drive up.

On another note, King Kong knocked me out – so good I could hardly stand it. My jaw hurts from sitting there 3 hours with my mouth wide open. What an incredible movie! Best of it's genre by far. Nothing else even comes close, not Star Wars, not Matrix, not Batman, not Jurrassic Park, not Jaws, not ET. Nothing. Absolutely over the top.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Another one of those things that happen down there!

One of those things that happens in New Mexico

Not something to be proud of...

First, my apologies for the post. The blog has been light-hearted as of late, and this is a more serious post.

But it's an important one.

I went to the Drudge Report, which can be, at times, dramatically conservative. However, a headline caught my eye: South Dakota reins in abortion rights.

Essentially, the article discusses how it's incredibly difficult to get an abortion in this state. I knew that Sioux Falls is the only city where you can get an abortion, but what I didn't realize is that doctors fly in from the Twin Cities once a week to perform these abortions as most doctors in South Dakota won't perform the procedures due to the stigma and the effect on their ability to successfully practice medicine.

Abortion has been a topic I've struggled with for many years. I used to be passionately pro-life. I still am, but my view has changed as I now realize I'm passionately pro-life...where my own body is involved. Which, I guess, makes me somewhat pro-choice. However, I still struggle with the whole situation.

What frustrates me about what's going on in South Dakota, and in other areas where it's difficult to get an that pro-life individuals are taking drastic steps to block abortions...but then they think they've accomplished their job.

What happens when a woman doesn't get an abortion that she wants to get? Well, then you have a baby that isn't wanted, and might not be properly cared for...and that deeply saddens me.

So if this State wants to make it near impossible for women to get an abortion...go it. But the preventative steps taken create a duty to ensure those lives you so zealously fought to protect are lives lived to the fullest...well-fed, well-cared for, and "well-loved" children.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

We're Home!

Fa la la's over?

I hope everybody had a joyous holiday weekend. What will they write about on the Editorial Page of the Rapid City Journal now that salespeople are no longer saying, "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" to shoppers? (Sidenote: For those of you who don't live here or don't read the paper...there have seriously been about 10 or so letters to the editor complaining about whether saying "Merry Christmas" should be allowed in public). There's no election coming up... the whole war thing hasn't had a major shift that would trigger letters to the editor... I guess it will once again become the Margaret Minkel Hour.

Putting that aside...any good memories made over the weekend?

Friday, December 23, 2005

In case I don't see some of you...

Thursday, December 22, 2005

It's a Cockney Thing...Will We Understand?

So here's our lil' blog, but translated into Cockney.

My two favorite sentences:
1. We use aliases just for the Jimmy Nail ov it.; and
2. I 'ave completely Jonathan Ross'd ma focus at work.

Enjoy! Here's the original "translation" site if you want to Cockeny or "Australian Slang" (the other option) any more websites.

Beware: It's addictive.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Merry Merry!

The asio team is heading south! We wanted to wish you all a very merry happy holiday! Everyone here means so much and tis the season to let you all know.

Merry Christmas one and all!
may it be filled with mistletoe kisses, reindeer, cheer, love and laughs!
Ho Ho Ho!

Just thought I would share...

As some of you may or may not know I am the very proud owner of a special thing called "Ninja Attack" it is a catapult gun that is designed to hurl very tiny ninjas at any desired target. I recently purchased a small fleet of ninjas to use in said gun. (is a bunch of ninjas called? I’m gonna call them a fleet)
Needless to say there are tiny ninjas all over the office… which brings me to the point of this post. Anna is here, waiting to go to daycare because grandpa and grandma owl are bringing her an early, "for the road" Christmas present. (We are leaving town tomorrow for 6 days)

...Anyway, she picks up one of the tiny ninjas and called it some sort of word that could have maybe been somewhere close to the word "ninja".
I looked at her said "that’s a ninja. Honey" and she responded, "oh, a noonjer."

"I laughed and said, "yes, yes, that is a noonjer"

Two things...

Two things:

1. I almost didn't post because I don't want Giant's post immediately below this to be overlooked, because it's very sweet and awesome at the same make sure to read that.


2. I had to post this link because it's hysterical. Enjoy!!


Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Sure is quiet around here today.

Monday, December 19, 2005

I know its old, but....

how bout this for your new icon Skog...

The Kink of the Rubbish Pile.

No one has guessed the source of this title yet.
Anyone, anyone, Buehler, Buehler.

Love the new blog name...

...I'm just sayin.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

White Elephants are Fun!!

I had fun at the White Elephant party last night.

The house was decorated beautifully...the drinks flowed freely...the food was great...and the present I picked out was uber-cool.

All in excellent night.

I'm just saying...

Thursday, December 15, 2005


Word has spread about the White Elephant party...apparently everybody will be there...including:

(who won't sit next to Owl or Ethunk)

(who will sit next to the Gentle Giant)


(but they won't be drinking...because they're not 21...but they'll be sitting next to Tone Loc)

People not invited include:

(because he was going to wear the same outfit as Chop)


(for obvious reasons)

Can't wait to see everybody at the par-tayyyyyyyyy!!

Christmas Fun!!

Okay so go here. The link is to a cute little thing called "Dress Up the Snowman."

That portion is pretty uneventful, but there's a button called "Watch Him Dance," that is really entertaining.

If you're immature like'll put pieces where they don't belong and then giggle for awhile after you see what the pieces do when you press "Watch Him Dance."

Make sure to have the sound up. The music/dance combo is classic. The music, at least on my computer, was a bit softer than the music playing while you're dressing the snowman, so adjust volume accordingly.

Enjoy, and I hope to see all of you at the party on Saturday!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I just wanted to mention

The Iraqi polls are now open.

Informal Poll Time...Part III

I truly do like the man, and think he's a wonderful songwriter, but is Paul's McCartney's "Wonderful Christmastime" the most annoying Christmas song ever?**

**By "annoying," Skoggle means "gets stuck in your head for hours, even days, at a time.

Christmas Art Puns from Higgins

  • Ear, gums, antique laws
  • Hy Saws Mommie Kissing Sandy Claws
  • "Lettuce?" "No." "Lettuce?" "No." "Lettuce?" "No."
  • Sandy Closets Come Into Town
  • Froze’ Teeth ‘N’ Snowman
  • Gin, Gull, Belle: Rock!
  • Okras Mystery
  • The Lid’ll Draw Merboy
  • The Holly And The I.V.
  • No "L"
  • Eyesore Mom Accessing Sam Nicholas
  • Deck The Awls

There are people who hate ligers!!

So this morning I decided to search for "liger" and "christmas" on Google. The first link that popped up was this one.

Yes, friends and family...there are people in this world that live to see the eradication of the liger.

Apparently, the history of the Human v. Liger battle is long and detailed. I had no idea.

However, I know propaganda when I smell/read/eat/touch it. This is propaganda.

The site also claims that Captain Planet has killed a liger. I'm really disappointed in him.

I'm just saying...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Happy Cliché Day!!!

Today's Holiday is "Cliché Day."

So to celebrate today, let me begin by saying...

Shit happens.

Ligercopter Anyone?

Monday, December 12, 2005


We all need one, right?

Every now and then...

...a post shows up in the Spave that is so clean and pure, from beginning to end that it deserves a call to mention. Such is the item that began yesterday below under the unassuming title "Informal poll time." To me, this thread constitutes the very "Plaveness of the Spave". Interested to know if the rest of you concur.

And, on a side note, sometimes I open multiple copies of the Spave at once so I can reference something that's been said without "going back". In doing so, I've noticed an astonishing effect. If you stack up 4 or 5 open "Spaves" and run your mouse across the top left hand side of the blog (or over mister P. himself) you will hear a cocophany of beautifully delayed epithets. Try it!

I'm only doing this cause Skog dared me!!!!

Find the first letter in your first name......


Now the second letter in your last name......

E-Sex machine
O-Beauty Queen

Now...What's Your Fav. Color......

Red- Who Likes It In The Butt
Blue- Who Will Do Anything For Crack
Orange- Whos Good With My Hands
Yellow- Who Wants To Have Sex With You
Green- Who Masterbates At Work
Pink- Who Looks At Porn 24/7
Purple- Who Will Rock Your World
Black- Who Likes Bondage
White- Who Will Do Anything For Sex


for the record, Skog is a "Lesbian Sex Machine who will do anything for crack"

An Elephant Never Forgets...

Hey, children of all ages!
Just a friendly and joyful reminder of the upcoming White Elephant Gift Exchange and Holiday Extravaganza at the Fulton Street House. Bring a unisex, wrapped gift of $10-15 in worth to the party. Bring a beverage of your liking and a smile in your heart. If you have an instrument - bring that too! Enjoy the merriment. I realize that Tiff and Butch are having a get-together, also. Hey, make it an evening. We are within walking distance (3 blocks of each other) - so enjoy both parties! One very special note: I'm not saying that this is going to happen but...the hosts of this party are two very influential and important educators in this city, and a very dear friend is a local attorney, THEREFORE: Absolutely NO UNDERAGE DRINKING will take place on our property and no obviously intoxicated minors will be allowed to enter. Please spread the word and the joy. Love you, all! Let's have fun!

924 Fulton St.

Jeep Pic...... Don't hurt me Skog!

Skog told me to put this up, from some conversation we had last night I don't recall, please fill me in.

Informal Poll Time...

So I'm no longer on vacation (single tear). That means on my way to work, I got to pass by the workplace of Spinfly, Ethunk and Chop (part time).

I noticed there was a bright blue trailer parked in Chop's usual parking spot. Some would call this a "horse trailer," but I know Ethunk, Spin and Chop do not own a horse, nor did I see said fantasy horse grazing on their lawn.

Which brings me to my informal poll question:

What was transported in the bright blue "horse" trailer?


Friday, December 09, 2005

What I love...

I love that my bookmark for this site is still
"terriblle cracks in spave" and also,
what I love is that everyone thinks me, and Etunk,
and Polyman are equal on this Blog, and that nobody
stays here long who can't get with the program.

The program seems to be about making a great big
thing beyond our individual selves happen.

The Spave Instructs the Owl's Mogur

Recently I have been in touch with my mentor from Washington, DC, my first real creative director, and the one who introduced me to the Golden Section. Also, the first to ever produce any of my music.

Ethunk will remember him, he came to SD once and we played music at Polyman's dome. (He played piano)

He sent me a Christmas greeting card entiled "Okra's Mystery" along with a superb drawing of same.

I would like to send the whole series over to the Spave for reproduction on the site because they are so damn cool.

Anyway, I couldn't figure out "Okra's Mystery" so he had to explain it to me.

Then I told him the thing about the NINES, which was all new to him and which he thought was way cool.

He especially liked Skogg's thing about subtracting non-nine-divisible digit sums to reconnect with nineness.

So cool, Spave, you are instructing the instructors!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Who knew?

This may be cheating, but...

This may be cheating...but Chop said a funny last night at my house and I immediately said, "Somebody should post that on the blog so we can have it as a title to the blog."

Yes, it's supposed to be a random post on here that ends up funny...but it was an amusing statement.

So without further aaaaaaaaaaaaa-dew (yeah...I typed it that way because I'm too lazy to spell check)...

"Eekerz don't do the beanz."

Changing the topic quickly - contrary to a rumor started by Skleeve, I am not having his love child.

And the winner is...

Adios platano! Here is my new icon:

The Skleeve busts out...

Don't look now but someone named
Dr. VanSkleeve is posting on Mt. Blogmore
of late. I'm assuming it is our own beloved

Check it out. Its the post with the picture
of the Zip feeds building they tried to knock
down (tallest building in SD).

Interesting tangent:
I filed a reply to the post that said
"maybe Ole and Sven should just
fly an airplane into it." and got a call from
Bill Harlan who said he didn't think he
should put it up since I'm not posting
under my own name over there. He thought I
might get hate mail, threatening phone calls, etc.

I told him ok, don't post it. Strange day when you
can write humor that's too dark for Bill Harlan, huh?

(one last thing, I'm the one who sent the picture to Blogmore
in the first place)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Handwriting Analysis

What does your handwriting say about YOU?

The results of your analysis say:

You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry.
You are a person who thinks before acting, intelligent and thorough.
You are negative, fearful, resistant, doubtful, and/or selfish.
You are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!
You enjoy life in your own way and do not depend on the opinions of others.

..... Who knew "I like cheese" could say so much?

Humble Beginnings...

So, is this how you start a topic?

I went back to the bottom of last march and grabbed this,
the first three posts to the Spave. Can you believe that was only
nine months ago? (for proper sequence, read it from bottom to top)

It looks like you can start your own thing any time right?

posted by Boiled Owl at 5:29 PM 9 Helens agree  

Just trying

I think I may have figured it out!!!

posted by Chop at 4:43 PM 1 Helens agree  

I helped make us a blog

and now we are going to try and figure out how to make it a little more professional

posted by Spinfly at 4:27 PM 0 Helens agree  

I made us a Blog

Hey there,
I made this blog
I dont know much about blogs, but i think we will figure it out rather fast!
Hee Hee

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Three things about "Someday, Sometime"...

I have three things to say about "Someday, Sometime"...

1. The cover of "Somewhere" made me cry...twice.

2. After hearing "People Like Me," I have no choice but to publically admit that I have a crush on the Owl.

3. I think this is my favorite CD yet. Can't wait to see you all in Rapid City over the holidays.


Unnecessary begets unnecessary...

Monday, December 05, 2005


Votes are in! Here's my new blogger icon:

At the Request of The Good Doctor...

What a Weekend!

What a weekend for everyone!!! I know the trip to Bozeman was enormously fun time. (All stomach illness aside) What a cool bunch of talented and exceptional people we get to hang out with and call family!

How was the show? We all want to know…. Do we ever get to see it on video?

Friday, December 02, 2005

Wish we could be there...

We miss you, three and wish we could be there this weekend. Many happy vibes and warm tones surround the trio. We are there in spirit and love you all. Have fun and enjoy your wonderful evening.

The cast and crew of "Beauty and the Beast"


It's WHITE all over again! Hey, holiday huggers, here is your gift-giving extravaganza invite!

Saturday, December 17th
924 Fulton Street
Justin, Joey, and Jenn (your gracious hosts)

6:30PM - Cocktails
7:30PM - appetizer buffet
9:00PM - presents

Bring a wrapped gift, $10 - $15 in price.
Bring a beverage of your choice or a plate of goodies to share

ALL family and friends are invited!

Love to see you there!

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I think there have been several tasty soundbites as of late...meaning you should change the title of the blog.

I'm just saying...