Thursday, February 23, 2006

Word of the Day

deus ex machina \DAY-uhs-eks-MAH-kuh-nuh; -nah; -MAK-uh-nuh\,
1. In ancient Greek and Roman drama, a god introduced by means
of a crane to unravel and resolve the plot.
2. Any active agent who appears unexpectedly to solve an
apparently insoluble difficulty.

In times of affluence and peace, with technology that always seems to arrive like a deus ex machina to solve any problem, it becomes easy to believe that life is perfectible.
--Stephanie Gutmann, [1]The Kinder, Gentler Military

But we also need the possibility of cataclysm (Bush, Cheny, DeLay, Rove, Frist, SD legislature etc), so that, when situations seem hopeless, and beyond the power of any natural force to amend, we may still anticipate salvation from a messiah, a conquering hero, a deus ex machina, or some other agent with power to fracture the unsupportable and institute the unobtainable.
--Stephen Jay Gould, [2]Questioning the Millennium


Blogger Sarah said...

Just so you know, it's not pronounced "do sex machine," and if you pronounce it that way when you're in high school, you get yelled at.

Sidenote: It's worth it.

Thu Feb 23, 01:38:00 PM MST  
Blogger Spinfly said...

I forgot how to spell New York once... I butchered it!

I'm glad that otehr people do that too!

Thu Feb 23, 02:43:00 PM MST  
Blogger Chop said... in point.

Thu Feb 23, 02:46:00 PM MST  
Blogger Spinfly said...


Thu Feb 23, 02:52:00 PM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

So Ethunk, who's the White Kight gonna be? I say this time it just might turn out to be the very damsels who are now in such distress.

The authoritative father figures have had their day in the sun. Now it just might be time for the otherwise nurturing moms to kick some righteous butt.

Thu Feb 23, 03:39:00 PM MST  
Blogger EThunk said...

Yes, the damsels of youth, eloquence and determination (and don't forget--superior brainpower) will indeed lead the way...helped, of course by the lads of widsom, courage and light...but you know Owl, it doesn't hurt a thing if Merlin and Archimedes (could they in fact be one and the same)walk patiently along side.

Thu Feb 23, 05:57:00 PM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

I'll give them a call. I'm sure they'd be glad to help as their circumstances allow.

Fri Feb 24, 08:53:00 AM MST  

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