Friday, February 24, 2006

It's been a long time...

For a long time now, the title of the Spave has been a quote from someone's blogging. In the very early days in the place, (...can you believe it... I tried to intentionally misspell "place" as "plave" and typed it correctly, by mistake...)

Spinny would title the blog in her own voice.

The current Spavename is like that again.

No one ever said, "For the record: I am Pro-curling."

(At first I thought it was me, but I checked, and that's not what I said.)

So we have to guess which of the Spavegods is speaking.

I'm not sure I know, but I'm guessing its Spinfly, up to her old trix?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

As nice as that all woudld be owl, The Doc said it a while back.

I have strayed away from the "rules" of blog naming, and come back with slapped hands.

Perhaps soon though!

Fri Feb 24, 09:21:00 AM MST  
Blogger Sarah said...

That just made me guffaw.

Fri Feb 24, 10:12:00 AM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Oh, I missed the Skleeve's attest. All is well then. Thanks blogoddess, may it please ya.

Fri Feb 24, 04:38:00 PM MST  

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