Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Point to ponder...

Oksy, so I love Love LOVE the Christmas season. Everything is festive...from decorations, to parties, to people, etc...

However, I'm also aware that it's a Holiday Season that includes other holidays, like Hannukah, Kwanzaa, etc...

Keeping that in mind, I read the following letter to the Editor in yesterday's Rapid City Journal:

Anti-Christian bias

Many retail stores are not celebrating Christmas (birth of the Christ child) this year. According to Fox News (Nov. 15) many retail chains, notably Sears, K-Mart, Kohl's, Wal-Mart, Target, Toys R Us, Costcos, BJ's, etc., have instructed employees not to greet customers with "Merry Christmas" but to say "Happy Holidays" instead.

What a sad day for America, when retail outlets are afraid to speak the season's greeting that 85 percent of Americans believe in and bow to the anti-Christian bias.

It is time for Americans to realize we are in a world-wide war with terrorists, who wish to replace Christian values based on love with Islamic extremist values based on hate.

The ACLU has frightened retailers into surrendering control to a few atheists, whose goal is the elimination of Christianity in America. The truth is, not one ruling by the Supreme Court has ever banned any American from any form of Christian greeting at school, on government property or anywhere else in America.

Capitulation of values is how nations are destroyed! If anyone has experienced anti-Christian discrimination, call the Alliance Defense Fund, toll free, at 1-800-TEL-ADF or online for free information.

Rapid City

Now...on one hand we have rules in place so the 15% minority (in this case, the "non-Christians" according to Miss Stone) always has a voice. On the other hand, I really like saying "Merry Christmas."

So I guess I was just interested in what others had to say.

And that's all I have to say about that...until I respond to comments.

Hey, Yoda showed up. What the...?!

Just in case you've abandoned all the posts lower than the first few on the Spave Blog, I encourage you to scroll down to the post entitled "Cliff Notes" and take a look at the password that magically appeared to the Owl at the most coincidental of times, given the context of the dialogue therein.

I'm kind of dazzled by it.

Is anyone else?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Poll time...

All I want for Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa is...


I stumbled on this link before coming to work this morning, enjoy!

Click Here

Monday, November 28, 2005

What??!! I think I'm Funny Ok!!!!

...So I made this.... Some of you have seen it, others haven't. Its a close second to the dancing bear in my opinion....

God! I crack myself up!!!

Plan your weekend!!

So Beauty and the Beast is at the Civic Center this weekend. Tickets are almost completely sold out. YEAH!!!

If you haven't gotten tickets...and you want to for tickets today. If you have tickets...yeah for you!

The show is going to be a lot of fun. There's also a good chance I may pop out of my costume during a tango number...which really makes the cost of tickets...not all that much.

I'm just saying.

Hope to see you all at the show!!

Love, Skoggle

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Is it that time?

Cliff notes

Here is the checklist.

(It seems like this should always be on the spave.
For more info, see the source*.)

We are equal beings and the universe is our relations with each other.

What am I doing on a level of consciousness where this is real?

No resistance.

Love as much as you can from wherever you are.

Whether I am conscious of it or not, I am one with the cause of all that exists.

Whether I feel it or not, I am one with all the love in the universe.

Love is the only dimension that needs to be changed

Go beyond reason to love: it is safe. It is the only safety.

All states of consciousness are available right now.

It's always within us to relate this way.

Enlightenment doesn't care how you get there.

Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it.

There is nothing you need to do first in order to be enlightened.

This, too, can be experienced with a completely expanded awareness.

I wouldn't deny this experience to the One Mind.

What did you think it was that needed to be loved?

When you learn to love hell, you will be in heaven.

Thank you, brothers and sisters, for letting my consciousness be in this place.
*Source: Thaddeus Golas "The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment"
(the whole text is available online, for free... best bargain in the cosmos.)

A lawyer joke...

This is to show that I can laugh at myself and my people...

And I also think it's funny...

A lawyer opened the door of his BMW, when suddenly a car came along and hit the door, ripping it off completely. When the police arrived at the scene, the lawyer was complaining bitterly about the damage to his precious BMW.

"Officer, look what they've done to my Beemer!" he whined.

"You lawyers are so materialistic, you make me sick!" retorted the officer, "You're so worried about your stupid BMW, that you didn't even notice your left arm was ripped off!"

"Oh my gosh," replied the lawyer, finally noticing the bloody left shoulder where his arm once was, "Where's my Rolex?"

Friday, November 25, 2005

Must buy Mall Gift Certificates...

So I heard this radio ad for the Rushmore Mall where this glorious voice tells me over and over again to "Shop Shop Shop" and "Buy Buy Buy" gift certificates at the Rushmore Mall.

Which brings me to my next point...the ad has put me in a zombie like trance where I feel I must go to the mall and buy gift certificates. Does the JF or JFAT have superhuman powers? If so, can we get her to sing a song to my parents about certain dramatically expensive gifts that I want for the holidays?

The song would go something like "Go go go and buy a pony pony pony..."


Sidenote: Great idea for an advertisement. Who ARE the ad wizards who came up with that one?

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Gobs and Gobs of Blogs and Gobbles

I just wanted to tell everyone on this spave how much I care and love every one of you. This holiday brings it out in me every year, but now that I am a mother to such a wonderful child it really solidifies how much this family, these friends and that kid mean to me. There are such huge rewards, everyday, being a parent… it’s the little things as much as the big things. I love that kid with all my heart and I am very thankful for her. I am also thankful for the best family in the world. Although its not really a “normal” family, what ever the hell that is, it’s the best family a girl could ever want. I was looking around the table at the faces looking back at me thinking to myself, there is not a person here I love more that anyone else. (With the exception of my mom… I like her a really really lot!) But then I thought to myself how cool that was that everyone is equal, no one is better or worse than anyone else everyone is the same, and that stretches across into the extended family as well. I am sorry I didn’t get to see the pops on thanksgiving. But I was there in spirit and all the folks on that side I know and love were with me as well. I am soo lucky.

Then there is the friends out there who might as well be family. Kamala spent the day with us adopted as easily as if she was one of our own. Skog, Eekz, Giant, Trewthinalliam, exc…. You guys are the best. I can’t tell you in words how rockin’ it is that there are people out there as cool as you guys. You are all so excepting, so gracious, so bright, so caring, and such awesome individuals.
I love you all. I am grateful to know each and everyone of you. I am grateful for this spave. I am grateful to be alive. I am grateful to know how to be grateful.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I hope you all know how much you mean to me!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

What does a turkey laugh sound like?

A Murder moist fowl! Happy gobble day.

Happy Almost Thanksgiving!

Just thought I'd wish you all a Happy Happy Happy Thanksgiving!

For Skog!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Yeah Dogs!

So today is Humane Society Anniversary Day.

Help control the Pet Population. Have your Pet Spayed or Neutered.

I'm getting Skleeve fixed at 4pm today. The vet said it should calm him down some.

Monday, November 21, 2005


I just love it when South Dakota makes the International News.

It's always for something so profound and moving...


First, a sidenote - I really don't like the title of the Blog right now.

Today's holiday is WORLD HELLO DAY!

So...Hej! (Swedish)

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Blog Names II

I went back and picked up the titles from the September thread, here they are:

I'm Billicio Del Joelio. I play pianolo.
A Glorious Release of the Soul
The Blog Must Go On!
You Know I'm Feelin' So Much Better I Could Cake Walk into Town
Tidy Little Prophets
If You'd Said that Yesterday, I Would Have...?
Ya Can't Hide the Foo, Everyone has a Little Some Have Alot
Cheese Tastes Best in That Condition
I cleaned up that crap you left on my doorstep before I realized it was a gift.
Math is too heart
Ahem…”Samich”. Thank you very much
Daytime Lingers On
Daytime Blingers Blog
I See Little Dylan Blogging Back at Me
Teerible Cracks in spave
Potato Potato Potato

If you remember here so we can at least have some record of the fun.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Blog names

I notice that the spave continues to get new names.
Chop and I found one that may not be on your list:
I see little Dylan blogging back at me"

Also of course there is "Chocolate will do"

Is the list now being kept current?
Do the Blogoddesses intend to publish it from
time to time, or have they decided to just keep it
to themselves as esoteric knowledge.

p.s. nice work with the Skleeve on the popsicles.

Do you remember that song?

It's a contest!

So my banana icon has been getting to me for awhile. Although I will always love the "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" song...the icon without the song is...a tad annoying.

(insert joke on how Skoggle is a tad annoying)

Ha...way to go for the cheap jokes...sad, really.

Skleeve suggested a contest to replace my icon. I'm not creative when it comes to...icon-ing, so I beg, plead, wish for some help.

The winner of the contest gets a piece of donkey fried chicken!!


Thursday, November 17, 2005

I know we talked about this already

The ice phenomena hasn't stopped happening. Every time I fill the tray cause I'm excited about what I'm gonna get to see when I reach for the newly frozen ice. This morning was the best soo far by a long shot... Check it out.

This is funny...

Okay, call me me Skleevish...but this is funny.

The below link takes you to an advertisement that was in the Albertson's insert in yesterday's Rapid City Journal.

The receptionist at my office noticed it...there's a copy already on the way to Leno.




Need some help here...

Okay, so Skleeve said if I guess his age correctly, he'll treat me to some "donkey fried chicken." Now I need your help with two things:

1. Do I want "donkey fried chicken?"

2. If so, how old is Skleeve? I'd say his blog persona is about 17...and definitely male...but the real Skleeve is probably a bit older.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I found this


Its a place where you can make online petitions... Lets make one!!!

What should we petition for?

It's International Day of Tolerance...

So today's holiday is "International Day of Tolerance." Being the kind-hearted person that I am...and also as I am a fan of celebrating holidays, I promise I will be tolerant of Owl and Skleeve until midnight.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Back to the nines

Mt Goatmore

Just to let everyone know...

The Thunk and Spin are out of the office today. It might be a quiet day if the rest of us can't pick up the slack.

Education for all...

Okay...first, read this.

Now, I've talked with Eekerz about how the "No Child Left Behind" Act is frustrating at times. However, Eekerz has never gone so far as to say "Therefore, we need to let some kids go...let's give up on them."

Alan Aker, the former State Senator who wrote the article is not a good person. He keeps using the phrase "rotten kids" in his article without realizing the hypocrisy. He is a rotten, rotten, uncaring human being. Maybe we should all let him go. Ignore him...refuse to allow him to write in to the Rapid City Journal. Ridicule him and make sure his future and the futures of his children are entirely ruined due to actions he's taken today. Well, that's what he promotes in his article...An eye for an eye, right Alan?

I can't think of anything more WRONG than giving up on children because they don't act perfectly. I worked with children that had severe acting out problems (hitting, biting, refusing to work, verbally abusive). Why did they act that way? Because their parents beat the shit out of them on a regular basis. According to Alan Aker...we shouldn't look into why the children are acting the way they do, but rather just let them go...keep that abuse circle unbroken...make sure they're abusive AND illiterate. Ahh...such a solid foundation for a society I want my children to live in.

Not all kids who act out do so because of horrible backgrounds. Some just aren't mature enough or ready for school. However, just because they don't act like the rest of students doesn't mean they should be kicked to the curb. For of my best friends in high school barely graduated. He only did so because his mother figure and his English teacher refused to let him fail. They stuck on him and pushed him through to graduation. Where is he now? Well he's finishing up college and had a 4.0 last year at USD. Where would he be if my high school teachers had employed Aker's "natural selection" theory?

In my opinion, the bad teachers are the ones who expect every student to fit into the "perfect student" shell...and who ignore the other students who act out. The good teachers, although they get frustrated at times, are the ones that realize all students come from different backgrounds...but it's the duty of the teacher to give those students the ammunition of education so the kids all have a fighting chance in that "real world" Aker wants to toss the "rotten children" into.

What an ass.

(jumps off soapbox)

Monday, November 14, 2005

Ok, about those nines...

What's the deal here?

Take any number that can be divided by nine.

Here are 3 of them:

81 (9x9)

126 (9x14)

11,106 (9x1234)

Now add up the numbers that make up those numbers.

81 (8+1=9)
126 (1+2+6=9)
11,106 (1+1+1+0+6=9)

It works out every time, but sometimes you have to take it out a few steps like this:

7,713 (857x9) So you go like this: Step 1: 7+7+1+3=18, then, step 2: 1+8=9!

So again, what the hell's up with the nines?


(Yes...this is me in front of the "Home Alone" house)

I had no volume control this weekend! Whew...Durrrfest was fun!!

How was Rapid City?

Get it?

The Owl sent this to me

I don't know who else he sent it to, but its way to much fun not to talk about on the blog!

here ya go

he sent me another link too... Its my current theory that the 2 sites are done by the same guy.... Similar images and whatnot.

*I still find it amusing that the spellcheck on the blog doesn't recognize the word "blog"


I demand to know what Durrrrrrfest is.... and.... how it was!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Just a notice....

...if you are planning to go see Dearly Departed any time except next Wednesday you had best reserve your tickets soon. They are selling like hotcakes!!!

Hooray! We're popular!!!

Friday, November 11, 2005


This morning Mini Spin and I woke up at the same time. She rolled over and said “but mom, why did my birthday go away” I asked her want she meant and she told me we were just having her other birthday and asked again why it went away. It was about then that I realized that Mini Spin was having a dream about her birthday and she couldn’t understand why all of a sudden she wasn’t still there. It was a wonderful and profound moment and I thought I would share!

Happy Friday!


Our fearless...... and brainless leader

Let's all chuckle and weep that this is the man running our country.

Top 10 Bushisms

1. "I am here to make an announcement that this Thursday, ticket counters and airplanes will fly out of Ronald Reagan Airport."
—Washington, D.C., Oct. 3, 2001

2. "Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country."
—Poplar Bluff, Mo., Sept. 6, 2004

3. "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
—Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004

4. "There's no doubt in my mind that we should allow the world worst leaders to hold America hostage, to threaten our peace, to threaten our friends and allies with the world's worst weapons."
South Bend, Indiana, Sept. 5, 2002.

5. "There's an old...saying in Tennessee...I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee that says Fool me once...(3 second pause)... Shame on...(4 second pause)...Shame on you....(6 second pause)...Fool me...Can't get fooled again."
Nashville, Tennessee, Sept. 17, 2002.

6. "See, free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction."
—Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 3, 2003

7. "The ambassador and the general were briefing me on the -- the vast majority of Iraqis want to live in a peaceful, free world. And we will find these people and we will bring them to justice."
Washington, D.C., Oct. 27, 2003.

8 "I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep on the soil of a friend."
on visiting Denmark, Washington D.C., June 29, 2005

9. "Wow! Brazil is big."
-after being shown a map of Brazil by Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Brasilia, Brazil, Nov. 6, 2005

"Rarely is the question asked, 'Is our children learning'?"
Florence, S.C. Jan 11 2000
"The illiteracy level of our children are appalling."
Washington, D.C., Jan. 23, 20004

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Original And Nonsensical

Hey, KIDS! Get your limited edition soundtrack recording of original and nonsensical music from the new stage production of "Alice's Wonderland". It's groovy, it's fun, and it's dishwasher safe. Just $10 and only available at the show!Weeeee!

Skyrockets in flight...Afternoon Delight...

Just wanted to get that song stuck in everybody's heads in the hopes that it rids my brain for a few minutes.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A moment...

Within the soul of each Vietnam veteran there is probably something that says "Bad war, good soldier." Only now are Americans beginning to separate the war from the warrior. --Max Cleland

So on Friday, it's Veteran's Day. I won't be here...I'm going to Chicago early that morning. However, as today is officially "Vietnam Veteran's Day," I wanted to say my piece for today and for Friday...

My parents met while both in the Navy. Before them, my paternal grandfather was in the Army and my maternal grandfather was in the Navy. Before them, the great-grandfathers were also military. I don't say this to brag, but only to set up a certain portion of how I was raised.

I have a tremendous respect for the members of our military. I may not agree with what the administration and/or legislature asks the men and women of the military to do...but I respect the fact that these individuals realize they are doing their job..and a dangerous job at that.

Flashback two years...I was getting ready to move to Sweden for 1/2 year right when things were heating up in the Middle East. My father started to worry that I shouldn't go because of everything that was going on. I was all, "'s Sweden." Then he told me about his experience in Norway in the 1960s...right around the time that the Vietnam Conflict was "heating up." My father got a fellowship to practice medicine in Oslo, Norway for 1/2 year. Being 200000% Norwegian, my father jumped at the chance. When he got over there, he was yelled at in the streets and spit upon because he was American and those people disagreed with what America was doing over in Vietnam.

Now, these are Scandinavians...and if you don't know how Swedes and Norwegians are on their home turf...they are very passive and polite. They don't like to bring up topics of conversation that may cause a debate or...gasp...scene. (Sidenote: Obviously, we Norwegian-Americans have not carried that quality over to this country). It was a big deal what was happening to my father, and he was crushed.

He later told me that he wasn't so much worried it would happen to me as worried what would happen to people in Sweden who attempted to spit in my general direction. I agree with him...I would have probably busted some ass. (Sidenote: I just felt really tough saying that).

The sad connection to this story is that while my father was being spit upon in a foreign country, returning soldiers from Vietnam were being spit upon by fellow Americans. Spit upon for doing their jobs.

Luckily, for the most part, I believe we as a society have matured since then. We can now better separate the employers from the employees...the politicians from the military-citizens...

But, in my opinion, we haven't gone far enough. We need to thank people for making sacrifices. I'm a strong woman, but I know I'm not strong enough to sign up for a job where I know not where I'll be in a year...and whether I'll be "practicing" drills or having to defend my own life and the lives of the people around me. That takes no matter if a person served during peace time, or during times like these, they deserve our thanks and props.

So for all the veterans reading this...thank you. To everybody else...oddly enough, I think most things (freedom, love, liberty, other pursuits) are based on sacrifice in some form. Don't forget that, and don't forget to thank your veterans.


"We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." — Orwell

Yay for Yesterday

All in all yesterday turned out to be a darn good day.
This was on the front page of, the definitive republican website.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


This blog is boring today!!!

Do something about it!

We've upped the intelligence of this blog...

Recently, I've noticed a more serious tone to some of the posts on this blog...the indictments, the riots, the closed session of the Senate...

So I thought I'd continue the trend...

1. Here's an article referring to the possibility of Libby going to prison.

2. Here's an article about whether the 10 Commandments should be posted in schools/government somewhat correlates with our debate about religious symbolism in France.

3. Here's an article regarding the potential effect of the avian flu on the United States.

I am interested to hear your thoughts on these serious, serious topics.


P.S. Helper Monkey Skleeve - I need my kitchen cleaned.

Monday, November 07, 2005

This is a whole bunch of Bush jokes!!!


Wonderland is here!

Central High Theatre Presents...
Alice's Wonderland
Ticket Information!
Evening Performances: November 17, 18 & 19 @ 7:30PM
All seats reserved, $5.00
Matinee Performances: November 17 & 18 @ 4:00PM
General Admission, $3.00

Reserved Tickets available at the Central Activities Office and go on sale for the general public Thursday, November 10 @ 7:45AM

General admission tickets to the matinees go on sale day-of-show only, 45 minutes prior to curtain.

It's awesome. Don't miss it! Hope to see you there!


Okay, this is a two part question...directed at anybody with fierce photoshop abilities (Spin, Chop, Jenn, Your Mom...what?)

Question One: Are you like REALLY busy today?

If you answered "yes"... you suck.

If you answered "no"...go to Question Two.

Question Two: Could you photoshop several pictures of Chop with various stages of facial hair so we can determine if the Trucker 'Stache is truly the best look for him?


Love, Skoggle.

P.S. I'd photoshop the photos myself, but my helper monkey, Skleeve, is continuing to be very rebellious and my "to do" list has backed up.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Dearly Departed is Hilarious!

On a lighter and prouder note, check this out. Then read the full review on the back page of section A in today's RCJ.

Friday, November 04, 2005

The Paris Riots...

Okay, so last night I read an article regarding how many Muslim/African women living in Paris are essentially treated as prisoners in the low-income areas where they live. In the United States, we'd probably dismissively refer to these areas as the ghetto, but in France, they are called "cities" or something.

Anyway, apparently the French authorities pay groups to "take care of" their neighborhoods. What this perpetuates is an air of approval for the out-dated "Muslim" customs that are allowed in Northern Africa and the Middle East. (Sidenote: I put Muslim in quotes because a true Muslim isn't for hurting others). What happens? Well, women aren't allowed to get jobs and many of them are beaten, forced into polygamous marriages and also subjected to honor killings or beatings. Additionally, many aren't completing their education because the French government doesn't allow headscarves at school, but the Muslim heads of household won't let their daughters/wives/nieces/etc... go into public without a head scarf.

It makes me ill knowing this type of thing happens anywhere, but I am further saddened that it is occurring in a country that considers itself civilized. Does America have clean hands? No, but that doesn't excuse any violation of human rights, no matter where it occurs.

Which brings me to these riots that are still going on at the outskirts of Paris. A quick geography lesson: the riots are occurring on the outskirts because the city itself is almost surrounded by these "cities." So essentially these people, like the people in Watts or in Compton after the Rodney King verdict, are destroying their own neighborhoods because they are trapped and corralled by the police. Should they be rioting? No...but they're angry, they're frustrated, they're oppressed and that all comes together to create an explosive situation.

The riots began when two young men were electrocuted. Both men were in their teens and they were Northern Africans and Muslim. Excuse the pun, but this was the spark that set off all this anger...the pot finally boiled over. Prior to the riots, there was much anger by the Muslim population due to their immigration status, poverty, declining education standards in their areas, joblessness and a failure by the French society to accept or integrate the millions of African and Muslim immigrants it has accepted in the last twenty years.

This is a complex issue that won't be fixed anytime soon. However, "every journey begins with a single step." If France started accepting and recognizing Muslims, instead of forcing them to "look and act" like everybody else, it may smooth over things. That doesn't mean accept some of the atrocities that were carried over to France by these extreme factions within the Muslim faith (i.e. honor killings, women as property, etc...). You can still recognize difference while all following the law. There are basic human rights that are being violated by both groups, and that needs to end. Equality isn't making sure neighbor is like neighbor. It's letting your neighbor know that you're different, but no better or no worse.

(jumps off soap box and gets back to the legaling)

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Maybe a nice Steak Oscar...

Today's holiday is "Men Cook the Dinner" Day.

I'm just saying. really would be a good day to have a man.


Hello, Creative Spave!

Eekerz here with a joyous question for the upcoming holidays. I know that this is an original idea from Spinfly - and by no means do I want to steal it - however, I would really love to host the annual "Stuff Your Stocking" Gala this year. We have a huge great room, plenty of party hosting space and a beautiful fireplace in which to hang the hoseiry. I'm thinking the 16th or 17th of December. Skoggle is gone the previous weekend for her brother's college graduation and "Beauty and The Beast" is the weekend prior. Any later or earlier and we run into major holidays and family events. Please post your thoughts. Think about could be crazy-fun! Thanks. (FYI - everyone brings a stocking, everyone brings stuffers for the amount of stockings there are, everyone takes turns stuffing, everyone enjoys the party, at midnight we "open" our socks...and..voila! Happy, happy, joy, joy!)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

What the heck is going on in France?

What the heck is going on in England?
What the heck is going on in the USA?


Here lies Skoggle...

So today's quirky holiday is "Plan your Epitaph" Day. I have a feeling that, if people participate, this post should gather some good comments.

Here's my planned epitaph...for the moment:
Skog...was made for dancin'
All-all-all, all night long
Skog was made for
All-all-all, all night long

And here is a funny one I once read:
Here lies an athiest.
All dressed up,
and no place to go.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


... How about whats going on in Washington right now?


Okay, I know I'm not as liberal as most people that contribute to this blog, but I even thought this Letter to the Editor (published today - 11/01/05) was a bit of a stretch. Thoughts?

Korea and Iraq

Liberals like to compare the war in Iraq with Vietnam so they can use the word "quagmire" and tag President Bush as a loser. A better comparison is with Korea, a war we won.

Korea: Stop the spread of Communism.
Iraq: Stop the spread of terrorism.

Korea: Prevent a takeover by an oppressive government.
Iraq: Free a country from an oppressive government.

Korea: Enemy aided by Red Chinese.
Iraq: Enemy aided by terrorists from Iran, Syria, etc.

Korea: We won because the military ran the war not the president like President Johnson did with Vietnam.
Iraq: We will win because the military is running the war.

Korea: 50 years later we still have troops there.
Iraq: What's the hurry to withdraw?


Korea: The Communists didn't attack America.
Iraq: The terrorists did.

Korea: Illegal war. No war resolution passed by Congress.
Iraq: Legal war.

Korea: Military draft. Few had choice to go to war or not.
Iraq: Volunteer army. Everybody has a choice.

Korea: The minority party, the Republicans, supported the president.
Iraq: The minority party, the Democrats, are using the war to try and destroy President Bush.

If Korea was an honorable war, why isn't Iraq an honorable war?
JOHN O. RUFF - Sturgis

Anyway, I was going to comment on this letter on my own blog, but I had already written about candy...and I really like candy.