Tuesday, February 28, 2006

It would be fun, eh?

So tomorrow night at 7:30pm...I'm going a-curling once again. I had a blast last week, and I'm excited to do it again.

Also, it's a league night, so there would be some matches to watch.

If anybody is interested, let me know and we can car pool.



Blogger Spinfly said...

why does curling have to be at the same time as gymnastics?

Tue Feb 28, 04:33:00 PM MST  
Blogger Sarah said...

You can drink beer and play it at the same time, Dr. Death. Do you still want to be anti-curling?

Spin - She's old enough to take the bus and the dog can watch her once she gets home. I'm just saying.

Tue Feb 28, 05:44:00 PM MST  

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