Saturday, February 11, 2006

What to do?

The South Dakota legislature is, on the one hand busy passing a bill that says you can use deadly force on anybody who seems to be threating you, your liberty, or your property, no questions asked.

Then, on the other hand, it says if you're a woman who has become pregnant, you have to have that baby, no matter what. In other words, a whole raft of personal liberties are being stolen from you.

So here's my question.

If both laws pass, and you are a pregnant woman from SD, and you see a SD legislator on the road, is it ok to shoot him?

I'm just sayin...


Blogger Spinfly said...

well yes, then they will convict you of murder and give you the death penalty, but only after you are forced to give birth.

Sat Feb 11, 09:57:00 AM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

The point is, under the deadly force law, you can kill anybody who's threatening your person or your property. I'm just wondering if that includes the lawmakers. Yhey should be careful what they wish for.

Sat Feb 11, 07:16:00 PM MST  

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