Thursday, February 23, 2006

How many days to the Spaves anniversary?

It should be easy enough to get the right number of post topics up in time.

But perhaps there won't be many responses to them, huh?

Hey, as long as the posts themselves are cool, so what?

Hint to Skleeve, Spinny and Skog. Post your picture series one at a time.

Hint #2, do the math and tell us how many new posts each of us has to put up every day between now and your deadline. Figure that only five people will be doing it. (if mthere are more, it wil just be easier.)

p.s. Thanks to the book gods (Chop & Ethunk) for the loan of Song of Suzannah!


Blogger Chop said...

There are currently 26 days left until the Spave's b-day. With 139 posts left to go. According to my math (which was a little slap-dash and could be incorrect) we need about 5-6 posts a day to get it done. I'm pretty sure I don't have to do any more mathto tell you what that means per person. I think that makes the goal very much in sight. We just have to pull a little harder to find subjects.



Thu Feb 23, 10:52:00 AM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

The current rate of posting will more than cover it then. No worries mates.

Thu Feb 23, 05:02:00 PM MST  
Blogger Spinfly said...

Today’s post rate, far succeed what is average for this blog. I would venture to say, that on average 2.5 posts a day.
That is also including the weekends when the spave is often times very desolate.

Thu Feb 23, 05:30:00 PM MST  

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