Thursday, February 23, 2006


So I'm a member of Zonta, which is a local service organization. Today at lunch we gave away service dollars to many incredible organizations around town. I learned a few things that had a profound impact on me.

First, the United Way classified last year as a year of violence, as there was an increase in violence. This scares me. Rapid City should be a safe community. Many of us believe it is. There are certain neighborhoods where it is safe, but the reality is that Rapid City has a per capita percentage of violence and rape that is disgusting. That needs to stop.

However, we have organizations helping to turn those numbers around, and in the meanwhile, providing much needed services to victims. When she was accepting the donation on behalf of WAVI (Working Against Violence, Inc.), the WAVI Development director shared the following story. Needless to say, many of us were in tears by the end:

She was working in her office and heard the doorbell ringing. The domestic violence shelter is a "lock down" facility for the safety of the residents, so everybody must go through the front door. After a few rings, she realized the receptionist and administrative assistants were not up front, and she went to answer the door herself. She saw a very young girl standing at the door...shivering. The director realized, when she got closer, that it wasn't a girl, but a woman.

The director opened the door and asked the woman if she could help her. The woman came into the shelter, collapsed against the wall, and started bawling.

She brought the woman into the lobby area, which is somewhat private, and asked her what was wrong. "Nothing," the woman said, "It took me two years to get here, and I finally did it."

I'm not going to preach. I'm not going to give statistics. I am going to say this...if you're in an abusive relationship, or you know of somebody that is in one, or that may be in one, let them know about the shelter. Sometimes knowledge is strength, and people need strength to get help. Nobody, and I mean nobody, deserves to be abused.

Some info you might want to pass on to others or have for yourself:
1. The shelter is located on Quincy Street about one block away from the public library.
2. The Domestic Violence Crisis Line is 341-4808
3. The Sexual Assault Crisis Line is 341-2046

Anyway...long story not so short...I feel about the WAVI shelter the same way I feel about the Children's Home. I wish we didn't need them, but I'm glad that they're there.

And that's my public service announcement for the day. Sorry to bring the tone down...but it's been on my mind since lunch.



Blogger Spinfly said...

A lot of it has to do with the RCPD not doing there jobs... Well, let me rephrase. They do the traffic part of there job perfectly. As for solving or preventing any crimes that involve police investigation... forget about it!

Thu Feb 23, 05:24:00 PM MST  

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