Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Y'all Made the Paper!!!

Protesters march for women

By Bill Harlan, Journal Staff Writer

RAPID CITY - A couple of dozen protesters, mostly women, gathered Tuesday morning in Wilson Park in Rapid City to send a message to state legislators.

“We believe the 2006 South Dakota Legislature has been all about restricting women’s rights and women’s options,” Democracy in Action organizer Karen Hall said.

Hall described Democracy in Action as a group of “progressive women” — Democrats, Republicans and independents — who advocate for issues such as women’s rights, environmental protection, better access to health care and other social issues.

Democracy in Action, for example, supported Gov. Mike Rounds’ unsuccessful attempt to raise the state’s minimum wage.

“We’re for making women’s lives — everyone’s lives — better,” Hall said.

The protest started with about 20 women, Hall said, but Wilson Park is on busy Mount Rushmore Road, and passers-by joined the group. “Some people stopped their cars, got out and joined us,” Hall said. “It was so awesome. I think people are just waiting for a group like ours to come along.”

Not all passers-by were supportive. “One guy flipped us off,” Hall said. “Another guy shouted, ‘Get back in the kitchen where you belong.’ We just laughed.”

The Legislature this session has considered measures to restrict access to abortion and limit sex education. Hall said her group was happy to learn Tuesday that the state Senate had killed an “abstinence only” sex-education measure. “I think they realized it should be a matter of local control.”

Rather than restricting abortions, Democracy in Action favors helping women prevent unwanted pregnancies. “Nobody wants to have an abortion,” she said. “Women don’t abort pregnancies that are planned and wanted. We should make sure women know how to use contraception and have access to it.”


Blogger Spinfly said...

That’s really what it’s all about too. My mom, grandma, and great grandma fought too hard for us to lose this now. As far as I can figure it, I'm obligated to stand up there and fight too!

Wed Feb 22, 09:57:00 AM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Not really obligated, Spinny. You always have a choice, remember? And you've made a courageous one, (actually more than one) not because you had to, but because you wanted to. That's powerful. Really powerful.

Wed Feb 22, 11:51:00 AM MST  

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