Monday, February 27, 2006

Food tastes better at Spin's house.

#1 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SPIN! Your party was fun.

#2 - Food seriously tastes better at Spin's house. I can't even handle it. I think I ate my body weight in various dips. Then, when I was too full, and only had room for a wee little cupcake...right in front of me appeared a wee little cupcake.

#3 - The music rocked my face off, as usual. Sidenote: I think that Eekerz should look into getting a key-tar so he can join in on the jam. Giant agrees with me.

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SPIN! I don't have to eat for a week.


Blogger Spinfly said...

I had fun too! thanks to everyone for making it awesome!

Mon Feb 27, 11:00:00 AM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Awesome woman=Awesome party.

Musically, I liked the way an accordian, a harmonica and a dobro added to the usual two guitars kind of folk sound.

The food and the company were first rate.

It was good to see all of your faces.

Mon Feb 27, 04:34:00 PM MST  
Blogger EThunk said...

It was warm, lovely and loving (please deposit all agendas outside with the Billy Bumbler named Tuesday). We were all there for you darlin'. Happy Birthday!!!

Mon Feb 27, 06:21:00 PM MST  

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