Monday, November 14, 2005

Ok, about those nines...

What's the deal here?

Take any number that can be divided by nine.

Here are 3 of them:

81 (9x9)

126 (9x14)

11,106 (9x1234)

Now add up the numbers that make up those numbers.

81 (8+1=9)
126 (1+2+6=9)
11,106 (1+1+1+0+6=9)

It works out every time, but sometimes you have to take it out a few steps like this:

7,713 (857x9) So you go like this: Step 1: 7+7+1+3=18, then, step 2: 1+8=9!

So again, what the hell's up with the nines?


Blogger Sarah said...

Here's the beginning of another curious tale of the nines:

41 - not a multiple of nine.

BUT 4 + 1 = 5

41 - 5 = 36

3 + 6 = 9

Let's try 82...

8 + 2 = 10

82 - 10 = 72

7 + 2 = 9

So...arguably...every number greater than 9 is somehow connected TO nine.

I'm just saying.

Mon Nov 14, 04:11:00 PM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

I had a talk with Chop about this, and he already know about the "nines". He says they are selfish and only think about themselves. I love that idea.

In much the same way, I think that's what's going on with the golden stuff. I think the "Intelligence" behind both of these mathematical concepts is the people who discovered them in the first place.

In other words, if we weren't smart enough to see the wonder in the numbers, the numbers wouldn't mean anything. They just are what they are.

And as to why the Golden describes growth and beauty and harmony so well, I think it's because that's how just it goes, what it is. Any speculation about a master designer seems to be a notion after the fact, not before it.

Just because you see a beautiful sunset that looks like a painting, and you paint something that looks like the sunset you saw, doesn't mean some divine being painted the sunset you saw.

As usual, whenever we go looking for God, and we look hard enough, we find ourselves looking at ourselves and saying, "Naww, that can't be right."

Well you know what? Maybe...just maybe... it is.

Mon Nov 14, 04:20:00 PM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Yeah, that's a cool one Skogg. The Nine Connection!
Is that why that guy in the Beatles song, Revolution (the long version) keeps saying "Number 9, number 9, number 9..."?

Mon Nov 14, 04:24:00 PM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Let's try one: 731 (7+3+1=11)
731-11= 720 (7+2+0=9) Very cool.

Mon Nov 14, 04:28:00 PM MST  
Blogger Sarah said...


1 + 0 + 0 = 1

100 - 1 = 99

9 + 9 = 18

1 + 8 = 9

Nines make math fun!!!

Does anybody want to screen that on an old retro ringer t-shirt for me?

Mon Nov 14, 05:07:00 PM MST  
Blogger EThunk said...

Okay, I agree that the law-of-nines and the great-nines-connection are bewitchingly beautiful. And I smile a special, secret smile every time I wander my gardens because the golden section surrounds me. But I draw the line at the Intelligent Design connection to our ‘understanding of numbers’ because if God were truly with us in this arena, we wouldn’t be one of three nations IN THE WHOLE WORLD who don’t use the metric system(the others are Liberia and Myanmar). 10’s are pretty, 12’s well...there’s always the Bakers Dozen. wouldn't that be cute if it were iousy?

Mon Nov 14, 05:33:00 PM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

10's come from 12s (sixes actually), Ethunk, in geometry that is. Weird huh? Also in nature, minerals are sixish (crystals, etc) and life forms are fiveish. Minerals came first.

I'm with you on the ID thing. I think they're putting the cart before the horse. I think it's way more simple (and amazing) than that. I think it's just the math, the odds, and a whole huge bunch of time. A mind boggling amount.

Mon Nov 14, 05:42:00 PM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

5's come from six. That's the cool part, (and the weird part).

gopphnm (gopher glen is in new mexico?)

Mon Nov 14, 05:43:00 PM MST  
Blogger Spinfly said...

Kamala and I are working on something to share on this post... but i'm having computer problems....

coming soon!

Mon Nov 14, 05:45:00 PM MST  
Blogger EThunk said...

gopphnm (gopher glen is in new mexico?)

Goph runs from the fives and the sixes, the tens and the twelves...'Me going to where the 10's and 12's are 60's and 72's...warm is good!' says Gopher Glen.

....just another ancient puppet reference kids, you would like Gopher, irrevent little devil he was.

Mon Nov 14, 06:27:00 PM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...


11-2=9, etc.

I t's a decimal thing, right? Whatever happens in one column happens in them all.

Tue Nov 15, 05:37:00 AM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Be my guest, Dr. Skleavage. My hunch is that since it's a decimal based phenom, it will work on both sides of the decimal point. But that's just a theory, to be proven by young whippets more astute – or at least with more ambition – than I.

Tue Nov 15, 12:53:00 PM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

27.27 = 9.9


Tue Nov 15, 12:56:00 PM MST  
Blogger Toad734 said...

They are evil

Tue Nov 15, 01:24:00 PM MST  

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