Point to ponder...
However, I'm also aware that it's a Holiday Season that includes other holidays, like Hannukah, Kwanzaa, etc...
Keeping that in mind, I read the following letter to the Editor in yesterday's Rapid City Journal:
Anti-Christian bias
Many retail stores are not celebrating Christmas (birth of the Christ child) this year. According to Fox News (Nov. 15) many retail chains, notably Sears, K-Mart, Kohl's, Wal-Mart, Target, Toys R Us, Costcos, BJ's, etc., have instructed employees not to greet customers with "Merry Christmas" but to say "Happy Holidays" instead.
What a sad day for America, when retail outlets are afraid to speak the season's greeting that 85 percent of Americans believe in and bow to the anti-Christian bias.
It is time for Americans to realize we are in a world-wide war with terrorists, who wish to replace Christian values based on love with Islamic extremist values based on hate.
The ACLU has frightened retailers into surrendering control to a few atheists, whose goal is the elimination of Christianity in America. The truth is, not one ruling by the Supreme Court has ever banned any American from any form of Christian greeting at school, on government property or anywhere else in America.
Capitulation of values is how nations are destroyed! If anyone has experienced anti-Christian discrimination, call the Alliance Defense Fund, toll free, at 1-800-TEL-ADF or online www.saychristmas.org for free information.
Rapid City
Now...on one hand we have rules in place so the 15% minority (in this case, the "non-Christians" according to Miss Stone) always has a voice. On the other hand, I really like saying "Merry Christmas."
So I guess I was just interested in what others had to say.
And that's all I have to say about that...until I respond to comments.