What do you do when you don’t know what to do?
How do you understand what is makes no sense what so ever?
What do you believe when you see the best of humanity and the worst at the same time?
How do you reach out when you haven’t been there?
What do you look at when all you see is pain and suffering?
How do you express how much you feel for those who are suffering?
What do you have faith in when this much bad can happen to good people?
How do you not cry every time you hear about a loved one being ripped from another’s arms?
What do you watch when you’ve seen it all, over and over, for 4 days and it still shocks you every time?
How can you be proud?
What can you understand when they are trying to hurt the people that try to help?
What are we supposed to do?
How come there isn’t more help?
Where are they supposed to go?
How many are without homes? For how long?
What can I do to help? What can I do to help? What can I do to help?
I can’t ignore it. I can’t turn the TV off. I can’t, not give them my money. I can’t pretend like I have any sort of problems at all.
I can send thoughts, but what will they do?
I can send money, but not much.
I can pretend like it isn’t there but it doesn’t go away.
This isn’t a across an ocean. This isn’t a war…. This is our back yard, and this is America. I can’t even come close to understanding what is going on down there. All I know is how unbelievably grateful I am that each and every person I know is ok. I know there are a lot of people who aren’t ok. I hold a place in my heart for every person I have ever met… and even those I haven’t.
I love you all. I love you all. I love you all.
Please may we find peace. May they find peace. May we be ok. May they be ok. May their lives continue without much more pain. May this be over soon, and may all of those people, please, please, find home, find peace, find food, and find life, find each other, love and happiness… Soon!