Friday, September 16, 2005


This is just a post to tell everyone that one of the invitees has finally made his appearance. The crazed, white, son-of-a-ball-painting-hippie, folk singer is now named WildEye. I feel that is quite appropriate. The other name is a little long for my tastes.

Anyway, welcome Wildeye!!!


Blogger Bill Fleming said...

WildEye is good. Which one is it, the left one, or the right one?

Fri Sep 16, 10:58:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...

Hey there!
Give us a call if you need any help figuring this crazy spave out!

Fri Sep 16, 10:59:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

It's sad you're always mean to me on the blog.

Fri Sep 16, 01:05:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...

I like you skog... and all your cheesy smellyness!

Fri Sep 16, 01:10:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

Well I keep trying to, but you add constant layers.

Space the razzing...too much razzing, and it's just meanness.

Fri Sep 16, 01:34:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

I like the phrase "smeesy chelliness"

Fri Sep 16, 01:34:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Chop said...

Well it sure would be nice if the guest of honor would comment maybe.

Fri Sep 16, 03:51:00 PM MDT  
Blogger EThunk said...

...maybe if we promise that Owl won't peck out his wildeye, and I won't thunk him, and Skog won't bring him too many pastries, and Spinfly won't ask him to dance, and Skleeve won't make him wear the blue suit, and the Giant won't razz him, and Chop won't make him a Dearly Departed rehearsal substitute, and Polyman won't make him haul rocks and Johnny won't make him join the squad and Al_Fresco, Kamala de Vil, Eekerz, Trewthinalliam, Dragon Gal, Leonard and The Original don't all post at the same time just to hear us all say, “Whoa, the moon must be void of course”...and especially that Mr. Prejudice and the Bad Guys aren't having dark hearted, covert blog sabotage-like meetings in the dark, dingy corners of the big Episcopalian church (yep, there are some)...then, maybe then, he will post.

xwhke (someone who doesn't whke anymore)

Fri Sep 16, 04:42:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Best post on this blog that has ever been posted, Ethunk. Congrats.


Fri Sep 16, 05:53:00 PM MDT  
Blogger EThunk said...

Fresh pastries it is then...Oh Wildeye, we are beckoning with pastries, they are yummy.

Sat Sep 17, 08:01:00 PM MDT  

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