Friday, September 09, 2005

Censorship Schmensorship

I thought this article was fitting, given the post by Ethunk a few days ago. Obviously, I can't tell you if everything in the article is true, but it seems plausible.

Interested to hear people's thoughts...



Blogger EThunk said...

Skog, I did hear several of these stories on NPR's Morning Edition. They were mentioned, then it was on to other news.

I remember when I heard the 100,000 causality statistic, I just stood and stared at the radio in disbelief.

I'm pretty sure the NPR reporter who had just returned from the Falllujah fiasco was fired shortly after her rather graphic and critical report. That was during one of their all-too-rare Call In Your Question sessions.

I am concerned about NPR now though. Since their funding was almost cut down to the bone, they have been behaving a lot like all of the rest of the main streem media.

Fri Sep 09, 02:21:00 PM MDT  

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