Thursday, September 15, 2005

New Member of the Blog...

Cindy Lou, when she's not taking the kids to soccer practice, or making sure dinner is on the table before her husband gets home, enjoys sharing recipes and flipping her bob.

Welcome Cindy Lou!!!


Blogger Spinfly said...

The Giant is perrrdy!

Thu Sep 15, 10:35:00 AM MDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cindy Lou, I have to say beautiful picture. Secondly, welcome! Thirdly, you should update your profile. I'm rather interested to see other various things about you. Favorite movie, books and any number of other things.

Thu Sep 15, 01:09:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

I love Mr. Prejudice, and I really love that Cindy Lou is hitting on him. You folks are the best. This is better than any TV.

(...except for the password at the end... I hate that.)

Spin, I vote we go back to the old "flytrap" method.
It was far more creative. These passwords hurt my head.

Fri Sep 16, 07:08:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...

Sorry Owl!
There is no going back. I kind of like the paswords.

Fri Sep 16, 09:23:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

Ohhhhhhh burn!

No, wait...

Fri Sep 16, 10:00:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

I even hate hating them Mr. P.

Fri Sep 16, 11:01:00 AM MDT  

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