Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Per request of Skleeve...

Here are a few more pictures of Roxie...since Skleeve asked nicely.

She looks a little possessed in that photo. How about her profile shot?

Her hair is a little bit funky in that picture.

And here is her sister Riot...looking oh so peaceful. Don't fall for her adorability...she uses it to draw you in and then tries to lick your mouth. She's also about 8 times larger than she was when that photograph was taken.

There, Skleeve...happy now?


Blogger Spinfly said...

I enjoy your dogs Skog, though I have spent little time with them. I remember meeting Roxie at Mikals for the first time. She was cold and shivery.


Wed Sep 07, 10:14:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

She used to be really nervous around new people. Now she's really sassy.

She now assumes that every get together she attends was thrown together in her honor.

Wed Sep 07, 10:36:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...


That was Funny!

Wed Sep 07, 11:28:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

It hurts that Skleeve didn't post a comment for these pictures after he asked me to post the pictures.

Therefore I'm taking back my offer to let him kiss and/or hug me at Paddy's if he's wearing the denim suit.

Wed Sep 07, 03:07:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...

I wouldn't withdraw your offer just yet Skog. The Skleeve might be busy. He may get to commenting on your dogs soon.

Wed Sep 07, 03:51:00 PM MDT  

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