Monday, September 19, 2005

Devil Dan's Berthdee

All Hands Hoay! Tis Eric The Enforcer he’r. Me be thinkin tis thee Autumn n thee Autumn meens a birthdee for that picarooned, jub Dancin Devil Dan (or Chop on any either dey). So tis it time to be stinkin with platitudinous partyin, to be bellerin bountifully bombastic big talk, to gorge, gulp, guzzle and grunt. Twill be thee time to resound n roar a big birthdee beller to the Devil (Dan that tis) at me quarters round 5 bells on Sundee. I’ll be furnishin the cackle, thee rumfustian and thee salamagundi. Ye be fetchin yer twannin strings, gizzy boxes, yer clackers and yer shakers an yer grog. Sheer expectin to see ye powder monkeys at the Sundee shindig.

Ye who weers ye pirate grubs well be gettin the prize o the Cap’n. Yarrrrrrr!


Blogger EThunk said...

I promise I will write this up in good old South Dakota-speak tomorrow.

Mon Sep 19, 05:41:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...

No one can say she ain't a good ma!

Mon Sep 19, 05:54:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Ethunk, (as she will- then the hell she will) exposes herself once again as the finest composer of all! I'll be bein' there by gawd! ("or else", if that's the way I hear it.) Chop, what a mither ye 'ave!

Mon Sep 19, 06:20:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

I'll be there with me parrot and eyepatch. Arrrrrrrrrrg

Mon Sep 19, 08:06:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

I miss "Talk Like a Pirate" day.

Tue Sep 20, 07:50:00 AM MDT  

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