Friday, September 09, 2005

A touch closer to home

Ok Skog talked me into signing up on She described it as "It’s like a six degrees of separation website, only you’re Kevin Bacon". Anyway I signed up and then nothing really happened. I found out that I could talk to kermit but that was about all I found that was "cool". Then the other day I saw that there was a way to look up people from your home town. So I did that and I found a profile of a boy named Kyle. (Breif history: In 8th grade I was in Odyssey of the Mind. We had an exceptional group… Kyle was in it.) I wasn’t sure if it was him or not but I sent him a little message asking if this was infact the same Kyle I was in Odyssey of the mind with. Today I got this message back from him:

I was indeed in Odyssey of the Mind, the most
celebrated moment of my life. I believe I also
joined you at the puppet factory in 8th grade, but I
could be wrong.

Things are alright at the moment. I lived in New
Orleans until a week or so ago where I was going
to medical school. Right now I am in Charleston,
SC doing an away rotation in head and neck
surgery. I have to find a new home, likely in
Houston, at the end of the month so I can continue
with school. At least I was able to escape with
most of my stuff unlike so many others.

Kyle was, even back then, someone who was destined to do great things. I remember having a conversation with my mom about him after the “puppet factory” tour. Anyway I’m glad he’s safe. It was a little unexpected to read this morning and I thought I would share.


Blogger Sarah said...

I also know Kyle. He's rockin'.

I'm glad he's alright and that he was able to get most of his stuff.

Yeah Friendster!

Fri Sep 09, 09:54:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...

I was always a fan of Kyle's. I think he is good stuff. I lost touch through high school and this was the first I had heard from him in years.

check it out... my secret word is worrod

Fri Sep 09, 10:57:00 AM MDT  

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