Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Thanks, Skleeve!

Skleeve defended my honor against the evil Anonymous. (Sidenote: It really was a rude message posted by Anonymous) (Sidenote Two: But the defense AND my post ended up with lots of comments, so pbbbblllllt on Anonymous)

I feel like I should publicly thank the Skleeve.

So I made this for the Black Knight...Skleeve:

...but then Chop ate it.'s the thought that counts, right?


Blogger Bill Fleming said...

The Skogg sucks up to the Skleeve. Turn your heads kids, this might not be pretty.

Wed Sep 14, 04:08:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

That is a beautiful cake though.
I could build a nest in there somewhere.

Wed Sep 14, 04:53:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Chop said...

Uurp, sorry Skleeve. If she had brought me the pie she said she was going to, this wouldn't have happened.

Wed Sep 14, 05:15:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

I like Medieval titles.

Thu Sep 15, 08:03:00 AM MDT  

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