Friday, September 16, 2005

Let's create a cover band...

I was inspired by this video. We need to form a band to cover this song, and maybe this song as well. (You have to choose your player and speed to view the second link)

I really feel drawn to imitate the lead singer with the red shoes and mad rap skills in the first video. However, I am not "calling" the position until I hear some more discussion.

However, I will call the "red tanktop" member as being the proper slot for Dancin' D, aka Chop.

As for video #2, I am Dancing Girl #3.


Blogger Spinfly said...

WOW! I have no words.

Fri Sep 16, 02:10:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Chop said...

I only watched the first one, I'm not entirely sure what I just saw....

I also think that I wouldn't be very well suited to don the red tank top. I don't have those crazy moves.

xxlqn= extra extra large queen

Fri Sep 16, 02:49:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

I think you truly have the moves to be Red Tank Top.

Also, really need to view the second video...I feel a vibe coming from Guitarist #1 that says, "Dancin' D."

Eekerz, of course, would be the keyboard player.

Fri Sep 16, 03:34:00 PM MDT  

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