Monday, September 19, 2005


Ahoy! Tis the 19th of September! Avast, it means it's Talk Like a Pirate Day!!

With me good eye, I'll be watchin' to make sure ye talk like pirates on this foul day of days. If you don't, I'll brand ye a bilge rat and have yer eyes dug out with a dull spoon. Arrrrrrrrrrrrg!

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!


Blogger eekerz said...

I have used the word "pirates" seventeen times this morning - before 8AM. We have this particular flag movement in our marching routine for the opening number. Yeah, it's called "pirates". YYAAARG!

Mon Sep 19, 09:26:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...

Aye, That be great eekerz, but ye speak like a lily-livered land lover!
To the plank with thee!

Mon Sep 19, 09:34:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

Aye, Lt. Spin...the truth yer speaking. To the plank he go!

Bilge Rat Eekerz, "Zu den Haien schicken!"

Mon Sep 19, 09:57:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...


Get the Martha Stuart wanna-be to the plank!..... Wait wait! Make her swab the deck. No, she'd probably enjoy that too much. Put her in the crow's nest where she won't be botherin' me.


Mon Sep 19, 10:19:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Chop said...


I hate that the Spinfly has her footprint on every computer, sometimes she says things that other people type. Knock it off ya bilge-rat!


Mon Sep 19, 11:00:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...

It be no fault of mine Devil Dan. Ye be the one posting so ye be the lad to be watchin after yar own name!

Mon Sep 19, 11:07:00 AM MDT  

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