Monday, October 31, 2005


I don't have any of Saturday Night... I too was shooting old school disposable!

Happy HOWL-o-ween


Feel free to trick-or-treat at my house...I'm almost certain I overpurchased on candy.

Have a spooktacular day!!

Sunday, October 30, 2005



I know you're probably busy preparing for tomorrow...but are you going to post any pictures from the pumpkin party or last night?

Because both rocked.

Friday, October 28, 2005



bring it on....!


Try and balance this checkbook...

It's been a long week. I'm not focusing well at work. Whatever...

Which means that I've checked this blog a few times and I've gone to

Well, on the latter page, I came across this.

See how you do...after I contemplated (and played the quick version of the game)...I really thought I'd be lowering the budget. Yeah...I ran up our deficit by $40 billion. Go me.

Pumpkin Carvin Day!!!!

Woooo Hooo!!!!!

Hey...Bride of Me...get in the Cab

So today is (1) Frankenstein Friday and (2) Ugly Pickup Truck Day.

I really can't determine which holiday would be more fun to celebrate.

Celebrating Frankenstein Friday:

Or celebrating "Ugly Pickup Truck" Day:

I wish we had a picture of both holidays together...hint hint...cough cough photoshop people cough.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

I posted some of this already...

... But I think it’s important so I'm doing it again.

I’d say that there were about 60 people at the rally. It didn’t last long... it was pretty much clearing out when I left at around 7:00.

Kamala, Anna and I walked down there... it was kind of funny cause we didn’t really know where Jimmy Carter was. But the more we got into down town the more we were able to just fallow the sounds of the honking. We finally got there and were greeted by many familiar faces. But we also both noticed that we were very much in the minority as far as age goes. (We were the youngest ones there) another thing I noticed what how calm and quiet the group was. With the exception of 2 little girls (I’d say they were around 12 years old) they were standing on the benches. They were dancing waving and flashing there home made sighs, that they were so proud of.

Slowly more young people showed up. The more young people the louder the group got. At one point there were people on both sides of the road. One side would yell “no more war” and the other would answer “bring back peace”. (Anna even chimed in; she got it all wrong… it was cute) There were a lot of signs that said “bush lied, 2000 died” one of the better signs read “put Bush on a rooftop in New Orleans”. A round of give peace a chance started up behind the shouting… the cars driving by honked there horns in agreement. Other than the occasional thumbs down by the passer bys there was little to no opposition, and a lot of support.

I saw at least 2 news stations, the Rapid City Journal and NPR there as well so it was well covered. As we walked away from the rally I had to smirk at the thought of all the Thompson’s sitting around there TV watching the news and seeing there granddaughter at a peace vigil… the thought made me happy.

Anyway, that’s what it was like. I think it was well attended well operated, and very important.


It's "Cranky Co-Workers Day." I hope nobody has to celebrate that too much on this glorious Thursday.

However, and more is the official "Separation of Church and State Day."

Which brings me to my next question...Who will the President nominate for the Supreme Court now that Harriet Miers has withdrawn her name? Will his choice make a step towards eliminating the separation of Church and State?

Inquiring Skoggle wants to know...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


There is a peace vigil tonight at the Jimmy Carter statue at 6:00.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Bill Keane says "Put Down that Knife!!"

So last night, while I was sitting at "The Office" with Spin and Chop, I mentioned that I don't post about a holiday everyday...because sometimes holidays aren't that entertaining.

Well, today is a different story...

Ladies and Gentlemen, large red dogs and adorable nerf ball-headed is "Cartoonists against Crime" Day.

I thought this was fitting: most cartoonists and comics would be against such violence. So celebrate with them!! Shun the above comic, take out your drawing pencils, and create some unicorns, happiness and maybe even a few ligers.

Monday, October 24, 2005

A good Fall cleaning...

So I had to clean through my office at home (Serious had turned into the room where I threw everything I wanted out of sight)...

Anyway, near the end of the cleaning I uncovered a random pile of papers. I started sorting through the pile...pretty much throwing most things away. Then I got to a copy of this photograph...created by Spin:

Oh...that was a funny post.

I'm just saying...

All right folks!

As some of you may already know, The Black Hills Arts Anchor is having a poll on some local artwork. Today is the last day you can vote for your favorite. So (if you haven't yet) I strongly suggest that you head on over there and vote!


In one's Halloween.


(that's my scary ghost noise)

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Another random post from Spin and Chop...

The wise man can pick up a grain of sand and envision a whole universe, but the stupid man will just lay down on some seaweed, and roll around until he's completely draped in it. Then he'll stand up and go, "Hey, I'm Vine Man."

Friday, October 21, 2005

Happy Friday!

These are hilarious!

Happy Reptile Awareness Day! Wait...

Reptile Awareness Day? Really?

If I had to be aware of any reptiles, I think I'd be aware of the pythons...since they swallow things whole. If there was one nearby, I'd make sure to be aware of it at all times.

And I guess that's how I'll celebrate the holiday looking for Skoggle-eating pythons.

(gets on top of her desk)

Thursday, October 20, 2005

this is an animation of all the huricanes that have hit this year. I think its worth watching.


sure is quiet out here today....

... and dark.....

... and quiet.....

echoooooo.......... echo, echo, echo ...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Hey, take a look…….

…at what we spent about a brazillian dollars and an hour and 45 minutes on. It’s the first results of Spin and my flash courses. I will warn you; those of you who check the blog at work should probably wait until they get home, or close your doors. Our great accomplishment is sitting down the page a ways, under the duck. Make sure your sound is on. Let us know how it works for you!!!

Three Cheers for Mr. P!

Happy Birthday!

Chop and Spin!


So not only was I in court yesterday instead of in my office (where I don't blog during the day)

What was I say?

Oh yes!

We missed the important holiday of "World Menopause Day" yesterday!!

So snap at your co-workers and fan your face, people...we need to make up some celebration time!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Code Talkers Still At Work in 2005...

From his underground bunker, Saddam Hussein sent George W. Bush a letter in his own writing to announce that he is still in the game. Bush opened the letter and it containted a coded message:


George W. couldn't figure it out so he e-mailed it to Colin Powell, who at the time was still the Secretary of State. Colin and his aides had no clue either, so they sent it to the CIA. No one could solve it, so it went to the NSA and then to MIT and NASA and the Secret Service....the list got longer and longer. Eventually they asked an elderly Navajo, Cecil Begay, one of the WWII Navajo Codetalkers.

Mr. Begay took one look at it and replied: "Tell the President he is looking at the message upside down".

A Lonely Day in Blogville

So there I was outside Courtroom C1 getting ready to fulfill my duty as potential jury member when Skog buzzed past all business like. Then I went into said Courtroom and found out that His Honor A.P. Fuller was the presiding judge. After the intro blah blah and movie the jury coordinator called the first 21 potentials. I was 5th. The attorneys asked a bunch of questions, 'Does anyone know this witness, that plaintive, this lawyer or Skog?' I raised my hand and said, 'I know Skog.' (except I didn't call her Skog.) Attorney asks how I know Skog. I say, ‘She a good friend of my daughter’s and we blog on the same blog.’

Quick aside here for those of you who don’t know His Honor A.P. Fuller. Fuller is an absolutely wonderful person, with a marvelous sense of humor. Before putting on the title of His Honor he was also a great attorney who, more than once, saved my little company with great flair.

‘You what?’ said the attorney. ‘We blog on the same blog,’ I said again realizing that these folks probably don’t spend much of their time communing online. Then I looked up at Fuller and he was hiding behind what looked like a computer flat screen laughing. I mean his shoulders were heaving. The attorney said, ‘Do you think blogging with Skog will sway your opinion in this trial?’ ‘I don’t know,’ I said, ‘I like Skog a lot, we blog a lot.’ Then Skog pipes in, ‘Never at work though.’ The attorney said he could wait for my decision.

More questions, more jurypersons dismissed and replaced. Then I saw Fuller whisper something to the attorney with the lip-motions of Ethunk in the secret talk (except he didn’t say Ethunk). The attorney comes back to the podium and looks straight at me and I say ‘yes’. He says, ‘Have you had time to think about your acquaintance with Skog (except he didn’t say Skog) as it reflects on your being a member of the jury?’ I said that my knowing Skog really didn’t have much weight compared to a question he would be asking later on. (We had to fill out this questionnaire a couple weeks ago and the attorney was going down that list point by point.) ‘You mean those personal injury law suits that were brought against your company?’ I said ‘Yes.’ ‘Do you think that could cloud your judgment in this case?’ he said. ‘Yep’ I said. ‘I thought they would,’ he said. And in the blink of an eye I was dismissed.

As I was leaving, Fuller leaned around the flat screen thingy and said, ‘I hope you’re not mad at me, Ethunk,’ (cept he didn’t say Ethunk), the whole courtroom laughed and I was a free bird.

The point of this long story is to tell one and all that Skog is in court, Spin and Chop are at Flash class and the blog is likely gonna be a lonely spave today.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Deep Thoughts by Skoggle

Is there a songwriter out there that is, at this very moment, writing a silly song in the hopes that it will get some spotlight time on this blog?

Is Skleeve too busy with school to be mean?

What if Chop stopped liking pie?

What if Owl played the piano and Eekerz played the guitar?

What if Skoggle and the Gentle Giant weren't sarcastic?

What if Spin had never created the blog?

What if we never noticed this guy? Would our world be different?

I went to the hills yesterday, and I thought I would share!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Check it out.

Go to Mt. Blogmore and see what's going on regarding "the Owl".
Newcomers, use the link at right of main page.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

I hope it's Frustrated Sigh Day Tomorrow...

So we had our first read through this evening for "Beauty and the Beast." I had to leave half-way through because of work related things I had to finish up, but I just have to tell you that what I heard/saw so me really excited.

Which is what makes this next part so frustrating...

There are people in the community who are apparently grumbling because they feel "misled" by the Civic Center for purchasing season tickets for five shows, and only believing four of the shows (aka all the rest) are "Broadway caliber" simply because this show has local talent in it.

At this point, I'd like to point out that there have been some really incredible shows that have come through the Civic Center courtesy of the Broadway series: RENT, Fosse, Miss Saigon, Nunsense...

However, there have been some craptacular shows that we paid a lot of money for, and that did a horrible job: Grease, West Side Story, Broadway on ICE (I'm anticipating...but come on...let's all be realistic on that one), Michael Flatley's Lord of the Dance Sans Michael Flatley...misleading much??

What's my point? Well, it offends me that people in this town only believe quality theatre can come from people who are stationed in New York or anywhere else but here. Yes, some of the best theatre in the world is in that town. However, some of the worst actors are in that town, trying to break into theatre. Sometimes the incredible actors are in a touring production. However, sometimes the bad actors are in a touring production. That alone is a gamble...a gamble that the Civic Center pays something like $50,000+ per show on. That's what we poker players like to refer to as "All in."

We have two professional actors coming in to play the Beast and Gaston. I can't wait. Eric auditioned them personally, and I'm sure they'll do an amazing job. We also have many more amazing actors, who are very professional, playing the rest of the parts. I know that we'll do a great job.

This town has an amazing amount of art in it for being the size that it is. Rapid City is a fountain of talent from music to art to photography to singing to dancing to acting to speaking to playing...the list goes on.

It's about time the town recognizes that...and they will on December 3rd and 4th. PLUG

So if you hear grumbling...speak up...and let those people know that they're paying for good theatre, and with this show...unlike some will be more than good. It will be great.

There...I'm done rambling and I feel much better. I need to lighten the mood, so here you go.

I'm not so sure about that...

Today is "International Skeptics Day," which is very fitting for this blog...home of an abundance of conspiracy theorists.

It's also the Navy's Birthday. Toot toot!!

Please Explain...

Why is it that I can no longer stay up past 10:00 and why I get up at ungodly times in the morning?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Why is Eekerz So Sad?...Part II

Pi v. Phi v. Pie

So I really enjoyed the conversation a few months back regarding Pi and Phi (and maybe even Pie).

I saw this video, and I really think it helps explain a lot of information we discussed.

There are a few beauties in this beast...

Congratulations to all the wonderful people we know and love who are going to create magic on stage together! Joey Lore, Sarah Seljeskog, Tony Deiss, Michelle Martinson, Eric Johnson and of course, Jenn Greenwaldt as Belle. This is going to be fantastic. I guess I will have to settle on playing a short, energetic, obnoxious do I always get cast like this?


What the? AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

It's International Moment of Frustration Scream Day.

Based on my "to do" list, I'll be celebrating every hour on the hour.

I just couldn't help myself

Have fun today!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Happy General Pulaski Memorial Day!

Who is General Pulaski? Well this link not only tells us a little about this Father of the American Cavalry, but President Bush manages to tie him to September 11th. Snaps for that creativity.

It's also National Coming Out Day, so snaps for that as well.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Rather well written I think...

Central High School needs a new theater

By Sam Hurst, Journal columnist

What goes around, comes around. Ten years ago Justin Speck left Rapid City for the bright lights of Broadway ... well, Off Broadway. Like so many before him, Justin didn't really want to leave, but in 1995 he surveyed his future as a high school drama teacher and all he could see was Sisyphus and his rock.

Carol Saunders at Central and Pam Gough at Stevens were in mid-career and very successful. "It looked like it would be fifteen years before there would even be an opening," he told me.

Then came Carol Saunder's tragic illness. The Central High School drama program fell on hard times. Then came 9/11. Justin's New York office was only blocks from Ground Zero.

In the daze of the weeks that followed the attack, coming home started to look pretty good. He loaded up his car and headed west with no particular plan other than to lock himself away for the winter and write the songs that would make his debut CD, "Cowboy in Gotham City." Then Central High School principal Pat Jones picked up the phone and called. Ten years had gone by in the blink of an eye.

Last Wednesday, Justin stood on the stage of Central's theater, and surveyed 80 freshmen and sophomores sitting nervously in the audience. "I need to hear you speak from the back of the theater," he told them, and then, as an after-thought, "I want you to have fun."

Sure. That's easy for him to say. Fun is for the all-nighters when the cast paints the set. Fun is when a sophomore girl gets to act a scene with a senior boy and there's a buzz on stage. Fun is for the "post party." This wasn't fun. This was audition day, and audition day is all about butterflies.

Next month the Central High School Drama Department will perform Speck's own adaptation of "Alice in Wonderland." There are 35 roles; 150 students auditioned. There will be 15 members of the technical crew; 50 auditioned. Justin teaches six drama classes. He has 288 students. There's something going on here, something absolutely thrilling going on here.

So what's the problem?

Have you ever been inside the Central High School theater? It's a glorified lecture hall that seats only 350. (By comparison, the Stevens theater seats 750.)

Between the orchestra, ensembles, choirs and lectures, the theater is scheduled so tightly that Justin cannot even teach his drama classes on stage. It's a stage, by the way, that thrusts into the audience, making the curtain useless. (The Stevens theater has a full traditional stage and an orchestra pit which can be open, or covered with a thrusting stage.)

The lights and rigging at Central have to be set manually. (At Stevens they are electronically controlled.) The angle of pitch for seating is so severe that half the audience looks at the top of the performer's head, while shadows swallow the face.

The concession stand for the gymnasium is actually built into the theater. On basketball game nights you can't rehearse, much less perform. Referees use the drama dressing rooms as their private locker room.

Did I already say that 150 students auditioned for this fall's production? Ninety tried out for volleyball. Could Justin walk into the gym during a wrestling match and calmly explain, "Sorry, we have to cancel the match. We're rehearsing in the theater"?

"The worst thing that can happen," he tells me, "is that Central won't have the facilities to sustain the student interest."

It wasn't supposed to be this way. When the Civic Center was built, there was a handshake agreement that Central could use the theater. But these days the Civic Center wants big money to rent its theater and besides, the stage crew is unionized. There's no room for students to learn their craft, to spot the lighting, or move the sets, or even close the curtain.

Central High School needs a new theater, and as luck would have it ... so does the city.

In the year-long fight over how and when and where to re-build the Dahl Fine Arts Center, is it possible that we have missed the obvious? Rather than trying to shoehorn a theater into the existing Dahl location, or at the Journey Museum, we should build a new theater at Central High School. Combine 2012 money with school district money. And this time, Pat, keep control, and get the deal with the city in writing.

Build a world-class theater that takes advantage of Central's downtown location and extensive parking. Build a theater that would encourage drama students to work with the Black Hills Community Theater. Build a theater that could host the annual South Dakota One Act Festival, which has never been held in West River because we have no facilities to accommodate 1,200 high school drama students.

Build a facility so that Justin Speck and his students can produce three or four productions a year. "How about a production that is just for freshmen and sophomores," he tells me, eyes gleaming.

Next spring, Justin will stage the musical "Les Miserables." It's a big, sprawling production that matches his confidence.

"We could never have a new theater built in six months," I joke. Then I think about it for a moment. "Maybe we can use the gym."

Sam Hurst is a Rapid City documentary filmmaker. Write to

Happy National Kick Butt Day!

Yes, is officially "National Kick Butt Day." I'm planning on celebrating in this manner.

It's also Columbus Day...or if you're in South Dakota...Native American Day.

The holiday page also said it's "Hunter's Moon" Day. I don't know what that means.

Kick some butt today!!!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Happy World Smile Day!!

It's "World Smile Day!" It's also "National Diversity Day," but when you think about it...if it was truly Diversity Day, wouldn't it be "International" or "World?" Therefore, I shun that close-minded holiday name.

How are you going to celebrate World Smile Day? Me? I'm going to try and look like this at least once an hour...even down to the pigtails.


P.S. It's my birthday on Monday...and since my friends are too busy (single tear) to plan a huge surprise birthday bash blowout (double tears), I wanted to go eat at Ristorante Marsala or Minerva's on Sunday night with my peeps. Holla back if you're interested.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Now this is just silly...

Please read this article.

Oye! For some reason, reading the first sentence subjects me to a fit of giggles.

It's so SILLY!

to celebrate!

It's Mad Hatter Day!

Happy Mad Hatter Day! What does that mean? Well, check out the's a celebration of silliness! If you haven't been able to tell...I'm a bit on the silly side. I also thought it was important to focus on this holiday, as Eekerz and the Giant are in the middle of auditions for "Alice in Wonderland." (PLUG!)

So make sure to be silly for at least five minutes sometime during the day...especially if you're at work. How am I celebrating? Well...when I go into the hallway, I pretend that I'm working at the Ministry of Silly Walks. OH THAT'S SO SILLY!

Not into having fun and being silly (Giant)? you can also celebrate:
1. Jackie Mayer Rehab Day - Wooooooo
2. National German-American Day - This would be a fun day to celebrate, however, I celebrate this for a week in the German Tent at the Central States Fair.
3. Physician's Assistants Day - woo
4. National Depression Screening Day - is that really something we celebrate, or just note?


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Why is Eekerz so sad?

Does anybody know why Eekerz would be so sad?
Let's hear your thoughts!

No School

Due to the fact that the Chop and I are so incredibly smart, and that we learned everything they had to teach us in one day, we will not be attending class today. Thanks for maintaining. Oh so sorry to miss 10-4 day... although I do have to admit that it is much harder to talk like a trucker than a pirate! (For me anyway)

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

We've got a great big convoy...

It's National "10-4" Day! Figure out your trucker CB name and start fillin' up the airwaves.

I guess screennames or blognames are the "CB handles" of this generation. However, if I had a CB Handle, it wouldn't be "Skoggle." It would be "Ditch Kitty."

If you're not into CB Handles...which would make you odd in my book...then it's also National Toot Your Flute Day. I'm not even going to go there.

I miss Spin and Chop.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Chop and Spin go to school

Thats right. For the next 2 days we will be attending a class.... all day... no blogging.
Please maintain the spave and don't kill each other!

Another VERY IMPORTANT post for the owl...

Boiled Owl Donated to President Bush's Campaign!

Just kidding!

Why did I type that title?'s National "Scare a Friend" Day. I couldn't imagine anything scarier to some of you than Owl giving money to the President.

If you can't handle the thunder that is "Scare a Friend" Day, please try and celebrate one or all of the following:
1. Fire Pup Day
2. International Day of Older Persons - We love you, Owl!
3. International Frugal Fun Day!
4. Pumpkin Day
5. World Vegetarian Day - can do. I like eating chicken.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Yeee haaawwww!

Check this out!

Be sure to mouse around on it
to see how you can controll the Prez.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

The Bear and the Cakewalk Song.

It's perfect now. Thanks Spinny!
I love to watch the bear dance to
that tune!