Friday, October 07, 2005

Happy World Smile Day!!

It's "World Smile Day!" It's also "National Diversity Day," but when you think about it...if it was truly Diversity Day, wouldn't it be "International" or "World?" Therefore, I shun that close-minded holiday name.

How are you going to celebrate World Smile Day? Me? I'm going to try and look like this at least once an hour...even down to the pigtails.


P.S. It's my birthday on Monday...and since my friends are too busy (single tear) to plan a huge surprise birthday bash blowout (double tears), I wanted to go eat at Ristorante Marsala or Minerva's on Sunday night with my peeps. Holla back if you're interested.


Blogger Spinfly said...

I am interested, is that ok?

Fri Oct 07, 09:35:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

It's totally okay. Yeah! Birthday dinners are fun! I have two confirmations so far.

Fri Oct 07, 09:47:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

I know...I know.

I'm so ashamed.

Well...I think Marsala would be the best place to go. I meant Fireside, not Firehouse...I'm so STUPID.

I'm getting old.

Fri Oct 07, 12:07:00 PM MDT  

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