Thursday, October 27, 2005

I posted some of this already...

... But I think it’s important so I'm doing it again.

I’d say that there were about 60 people at the rally. It didn’t last long... it was pretty much clearing out when I left at around 7:00.

Kamala, Anna and I walked down there... it was kind of funny cause we didn’t really know where Jimmy Carter was. But the more we got into down town the more we were able to just fallow the sounds of the honking. We finally got there and were greeted by many familiar faces. But we also both noticed that we were very much in the minority as far as age goes. (We were the youngest ones there) another thing I noticed what how calm and quiet the group was. With the exception of 2 little girls (I’d say they were around 12 years old) they were standing on the benches. They were dancing waving and flashing there home made sighs, that they were so proud of.

Slowly more young people showed up. The more young people the louder the group got. At one point there were people on both sides of the road. One side would yell “no more war” and the other would answer “bring back peace”. (Anna even chimed in; she got it all wrong… it was cute) There were a lot of signs that said “bush lied, 2000 died” one of the better signs read “put Bush on a rooftop in New Orleans”. A round of give peace a chance started up behind the shouting… the cars driving by honked there horns in agreement. Other than the occasional thumbs down by the passer bys there was little to no opposition, and a lot of support.

I saw at least 2 news stations, the Rapid City Journal and NPR there as well so it was well covered. As we walked away from the rally I had to smirk at the thought of all the Thompson’s sitting around there TV watching the news and seeing there granddaughter at a peace vigil… the thought made me happy.

Anyway, that’s what it was like. I think it was well attended well operated, and very important.


Blogger Bill Fleming said...

It's pretty amazing to me that no one showed up to argue the other side. That's pretty good news.

Thu Oct 27, 01:10:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

Speaking of NPR news people...not to belittle the subject of this post, which is important...but can we reflect on Tim Robbins as the NPR newsman in "Anchorman?"


Thu Oct 27, 01:37:00 PM MDT  
Blogger EThunk said...

On Mornign Edition this morning C. Michael Rey (sp) mentioned a counter rally at WH Bush last night where around a dozen people showed up.

Have there been any local polls on war approval?

Thu Oct 27, 03:26:00 PM MDT  

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