Thursday, June 28, 2007

Election 08

Who's your pick for president in 08?
Your Result: Barack Obama

You want a new face in government, a young face that may not have the most experience but can get you excited. He may not have all your values at heart, but you are excited about seeing a young minority in office, so who really cares...Vote Obama

Hillary Clinton
Rudy Giuliani
John McCain
Nute Gingrich
Who's your pick for president in 08?
Make Your Own Quiz

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Some more insight into the squirrel...

I may have figured out why he's so dramatic. Notice the color is red...which means he's on the DARK SIDE...

That being said...others think he's not evil...he's just a British man stuck in the body of a squirrel. By "British man," I mean a Londonite who lived in the 1800s...

However, there is another theory as to why he's so dramatic...he's just been caught. Due to the NSFW element of the second clip, I have just attached the link, but not the actual video: He's a Pervert (another sidenote: the audio on it DEFINITELY makes it NSFW) (sidenote 2: NSFW = Not Safe For Work)

I'm not the only person who is crushing on this chipmunk. We can all order t-shirts if we want: I LIKE THIS

Another sidenote: My birthday is October 10th if anybody is looking for present ideas.

Friday, June 22, 2007


What dramatic thing happened to make the squirrel stare so?

I think that he sensed a great disturbance in the force.

Subtopic: What is the Chocolate Will Do Dramatic Squirrel's name?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Maybe if we had a mascot...

I remember back in the day when this blog was jumping. Everybody was posting comments daily, and the actual posts ranged from "uber-deep" to "light and silly".

I miss those days. It makes me wonder...why have we all lost our love of the blog? Then it hit me....we don't have a mascot. Think about it...all sports teams have a name and a mascot. That's why people love their teams.

And I want us all to love this blog I propose the new mascot. Ladies, Gentlemen and Owl, I present to you the CHOCOLATE WILL DO DRAMATIC SQUIRREL!!

Click on's a video.

Something to amuse the masses...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Who? What the...?

Check it out:

Sibby's Blog

3rd to the last graf.

I wonder if she still speaks to us little people,
now that she's hit the bigtime in blogland?

(kr, kr, kr...)

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Question of the Day...

Tom Johnson?