Monday, August 15, 2005

I Got Some Pictures in an Online Photo Show

I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. But it was juried. I know that because I submitted 5 photos, and only 4 of them got in. Anyway the show goes up (online) on September 1st. I will let you know when you can look at them. But for now, here is the site...

They have a landscape show going on, which by the way my good friend Elissa has some pieces in.



Blogger Spinfly said...

...and I think the new "blog description" is too long. Anyone care to shorten it up?

Mon Aug 15, 04:24:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

Two things:

1. Your link to the site doesn't work.

2. Congrats! Can't wait to see the pictures!

Okay...three things...

3. You should be proud of is a big deal. Woo hoo

Mon Aug 15, 05:18:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...

One thing:
1) I fixed the link.

Thank you!

Mon Aug 15, 05:24:00 PM MDT  

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