Sunday, August 14, 2005


I would like to call all of your attentions to the bottom of the sidebar, way look a little further...... KEEP GOING! Look, that is a visitor counter. Now, we'll be able to tell how many people have visited in a day. I'm pretty excited. Anyway, I need to get to cleaning. Love from the Playzow All!!


Blogger Bill Fleming said...

It's a running total right? Is it discreet? i.e. If I come back 10 times in one day will it count me 10 times? Or one? Also if I come back ten times the next day will the count be 20, or 2. (i.e. does it start over every day, or do we have to keep a daily log if we want the days count?)

Anyway, thanks for the counter Chop!

Sun Aug 14, 12:29:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Chop said...

Well, you can click on the counter itself, and it will give you a different count for Returning Visitors, New Visitors and Unique Visitors. I'm not quite sure what Unique means, but I think I can get all of us as unique and the rest will either be returning or new. We'll see.

Sun Aug 14, 06:35:00 PM MDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's a running total from the moment you put it in to the moment you're looking at it, and unique visitors are the total number of different people (or computers) that see the sight, so if owl came to the sight 9 times in one day (but they have to be 30 minutes apart to be counted separatly) that's 9 on the counter, but 1 unique visitor. *smile*

Sun Aug 14, 09:13:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

Just an FYI...when I checked the blog on Sunday, and scrolled down to the "visitors" number, it said "000001."

I think this means I was the first visitor since Chop started the counter. What do I win?

Sidenote: When I noticed that I was the first, I actually got obnoxiously Ed McMahon was at my door.

Mon Aug 15, 09:39:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

So yesterday there were 279 page loads.

Quite honestly, I think I was responsibly for 200 of them.

Tue Aug 16, 02:05:00 PM MDT  

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