Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Straw Poll: What does Dr. Phil Make YOU do?

So this guy said Dr. Phil was the inspiration behind faking his wife's kidnapping. He locked her in a trunk after knocking her unconscious.

Obviously, he's crazy (but not legally important difference). However, I find it problematic that our society now embraces this "quick fix" therapy on television. Oprah said this...Dr. Phil thinks you should do this...Jerry said it's okay as long as the cousin is once removed, so don't feel so guilty...

Anyway...I find Dr. Phil to be a hypocrite and ineffective. Scare tactics don't work on everybody, yet he promotes them for all.

Has quick fix therapy made problems worse? Has the "think about it, fix it and get over it now" mentality hurt our society?

Anyway...that's what's on my mind.

And to answer my own question...what does Dr. Phil make me do? Swear at the TV and then change it to Springer.


Blogger Spinfly said...

I have never seen Dr. Phil. I have only heard bad things though.

I do remember when he was under question for having a fraudulent diet program. What ever happened to that? Why is he still “practicing” after having publicly done such a terrible thing?

Wed Aug 10, 04:10:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

I don't know...but I do know this...I'd never follow a diet plan created by an overweight man from Texas.

It's one of my top rules, after "No Dating Men Who Wear More Makeup Than Me" and "No Danes."

Wed Aug 10, 04:31:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...

No Danes? As in no one named Dane? What do you have against Danes? Hu?

Wed Aug 10, 04:41:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

I bet that Anonymous person watches, and follows, Dr. Phil as they wax their tropical ceiling fans.

Wed Aug 10, 04:45:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said... removed the post and now my post doesn't make sense.

To respond to your question, I'm against people from Denmark.

I have no issue with people named Dane...unless they're also Danish. If they're named Dane and they bake danishes...they are also alright.

Unless they bake the danishes in Copenhagen.

Wed Aug 10, 05:08:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

I have many inside stories on Doctor Phil.
...and I am not kidding.


(now why did I tell these young,
innocent people THAT?)

Wed Aug 10, 05:25:00 PM MDT  

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