Friday, August 12, 2005

Some Blogs Have descriptions.

I decided that this blog should have a description, but I don't want to write it, or at least not all of it. Lets do it together... Please?


Blogger Bill Fleming said...


Fri Aug 12, 04:24:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

I would start by describing "the spave" as a tribal blog. I would compare it to a virtual living room, or a rendezvous point where members of the tribe can gather to be "at home" for a few minutes and share a little of themselves with each other. I would distinguish "the spave" from other "plaves" by saying that while it is not an elite, closed group, you have to have a certain bonkers way of looking at things and thinking about things to hang out here for long. No one will ever ask you to leave, but you might feel uncomfortable being here for long if the tribe doesn't dig your vibe.

I'd also point out that unlike other blogs, this one isn't coming from andy particular point of view and is not being driven by any specific ego. There are multiple big egos here and plenty of room for more. I would add that there is an emphasis on creativity and spontanaity, and a willingness to embrace new media and new ideas.

And I would run spell check about 5 times.

Sat Aug 13, 08:11:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Chop said...

It's interesting to me that when we start talking about getting our blog some kind of publicity, we get three of the fake crap anony bloggers in a row. (grumble grumble)

Sat Aug 13, 11:11:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Right Chop. I say, "to hell with those slimy bastards. The spave rules, long live the spave!"

Sat Aug 13, 11:50:00 AM MDT  
Blogger EThunk said...

...i'm going to go hide under a rock for a while. My RCJ article that is due out tomorrow is about blog advertising. It's gonna get worse email's the nature of the beast. If we are smart though, we will figure out how to have a truely private blog. Let me know your thoughts.

Sat Aug 13, 08:23:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

I remember when we all made the decision with Spin to open this thing up. Was that just about invitations? Or was there some switch in the software that allows ininvited or unregistered people to post? I don't really mind the intrusions, but it would be nice to filter them out if possible.

Sun Aug 14, 04:58:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

You should create a picture of a room with avatars representing each of us. You could put an Owl up in a corner on a perch, and me on a dance floor. I'm really not sure you can describe this place with words.

Mon Aug 15, 09:41:00 AM MDT  

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