Monday, August 29, 2005

This was a necessary post.......

and it doesn't take hours (for those of us who don't have hours).


Blogger EThunk said...

what a wonderful presentation.

Mon Aug 29, 01:29:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...


So I was driving back to work after eating lunch at home. I like to drive down 12th Street, then take a left on Kansas City Street, and then take a right on whatever that next street is. Then I eventually take a left across traffic going through the gap. The intersection is pointless, but it's there, so I use it.

Anyway, I drove by one building...I'll call it "Asio," and saw a truck with a piece of pie on the hood.

I got a little giddy.

Welcome back, Chopper!

Sidenote: The word verification sequence I had to type in for this comment was "qfcuk," which makes me feel like I'm typing a swear word. Way cool.

Mon Aug 29, 01:29:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Very nice. (I like it to take hours though.)
Really good typography there.

Mon Aug 29, 01:32:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...

I think the best part is at the end when he says "get your ass out of my beer"

Mon Aug 29, 01:37:00 PM MDT  

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