Sunday, August 28, 2005

Needed: Powerful White Light--it has a long ways to travel.

It looks like Nature is pulling out her cannons and aiming them right a New Orleans. Here are some links to both news sites and blogs that give an in-dept look into the Hurricane Katrina situation.

Drudge Report Katrina is on the front page right now. If the story slips to second page status, check for a link on the home page.

Daily Kos, liz's diary --If this thread doesn't warm your heart and give you hope, better check your pulse.

Daily Kos, Darksyde's diary This guy is in the thick of the storm. (Incidently Owl, Daily Kos has a wiki and it is also the highest-trafficked political weblog, so don't get lost over there, okay?)

This map shows a cutaway view of New Orleans and how it is surrounded by water ABOVE IT on all sides.

Hurricane Katrina satellite feed

Here's a piece on Bush's cutting disaster relief by absorbing FEMA into the Dept of Homeland Security sheesh!

Photo of thousands of people waiting outside the Louisiana Superdome to be let in for shelter.

Most of the Louisiana National Guard is fighting a winless war, half a world away and our illustrious president is vacationing in Crawford. So ramp up the white light kids, this could become a very tragic story on our own southern shores.


Blogger EThunk said... is the best link I have found so far WWL TV in New Orleans.

Sun Aug 28, 05:20:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Hang on tight. N'yawlins.

Mercy, mercy.

Loid 'a' moicy.

Ain't no sunshine
when she's gone.

Sun Aug 28, 07:34:00 PM MDT  
Blogger EThunk said...

...okay, here's a better link

Sun Aug 28, 08:38:00 PM MDT  
Blogger EThunk said...

I'm thinkin' she has the BIG PINK GUN. If you go to WWLTV site, click on the 'Live Coverage' link over there on the top left.

Sun Aug 28, 08:51:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Somebody better have the Big Pink Gun.
I'm hopin' no innocent nex git kild.

Sun Aug 28, 11:54:00 PM MDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing to say I just needed to use up the secret word

Mon Aug 29, 04:56:00 PM MDT  

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