Monday, August 29, 2005

Request for an explanation of the "Big Pink Gun"



Blogger EThunk said...

...oh boy, here I go wandering back on the hazey highways of the past. The Big Pink Gun (BPG)was a puppet show prop I conjured up for our Gold Fever show oh, let's see, somewhere around ummmmmmm 1977 or so. It then became a prop in the fabulously funny puppet show performed by the illustrious Boiled Owl, Bill Harlan and Dragon Gal called The Stickup Man. (dang, I wish we had some record of that show.)

Mon Aug 29, 11:21:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Where is the BIG..... PINK..... GUN..... anyway?

The Stickup Man was the best puppet show in the history of the world...except for quite a few others.

Mon Aug 29, 12:55:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...

We need to know more about the Stickup Man!

tonise! thats my favorite one yet!

Mon Aug 29, 01:05:00 PM MDT  
Blogger EThunk said...

...we're looking Owl.

Mon Aug 29, 01:25:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Bill Harlan and I both worked identical "Mr. Twitter puppets. The same kind Leonard used to use to commit suicide.

Mon Aug 29, 01:34:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...

How Sociofoo of you Skleeve. You have invented the new term for blog spam. blam! Be sure that you give yourself a large pat on the back.

Mon Aug 29, 01:55:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...


Bill Harlan and I both worked identical "Mr. Twitter puppets. The same kind Leonard used to use to commit suicide.

I think you should rephrase that doesn't sound to good.

xmpceym ... Thats way to much like svfx.

Mon Aug 29, 01:59:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

The BIG...PINK...GUN... is a thing of beauty, Skleeve.
You may not be able to handle looking at it. It's "Ark of the Covenant" like. A wonder to behold.

Mon Aug 29, 01:59:00 PM MDT  
Blogger EThunk said...

...this just in, the BPG Search and Rescue Team is running into obstacle after obsatcle. "We are doing all we can," said head BPG leader, Heston. "This gun was lost years ago and a rescue isn't likely. We are calling on citizens across the nation to be on alert. The object is BIG and it is PINK and it is a GUN."

Mon Aug 29, 07:55:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

No doubt Heston himself has somehow acquired the artifact and is hoarding it. I've heard him say that we'll "have to pry it from his COLD... DEAD... fingers." Tis could only be in reference to the BIG.... PINK... gun.

Tue Aug 30, 06:35:00 AM MDT  

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