Friday, August 26, 2005

Sign Off

Well folks, in one hour (as part of the close down ritual) the wireless internet will be shut down for Da Playzow. This means I will be out of the loop for a couple of days. It has been a wonderful summer, full of stories (some of which I'll tell, other's you might not be so lucky to hear). I really hope to do it again next summer, we shall see what the cards hold for ol' Dancin' D.

The last love from Da Playzow!!!


Blogger Spinfly said...

See you on Sunday Dancin!

We miss you all ready!

Fri Aug 26, 03:52:00 PM MDT  
Blogger EThunk said...

..but it will be great to have you home.

Fri Aug 26, 06:47:00 PM MDT  

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