Thursday, August 25, 2005

Point to Ponder...

So one of my friends e-mailed this lil' story to me and a few others asking us what we thought. I'm not sure what to think, so I'm posting it here to see if any Helens agree with any one solution:

Ok, here's the situation:

40 year old male Radio DJ has a successful career, wife and 2 children and loves them very much. One day the new crop of interns arrives to help out in the studio and throughout the station and one of the interns placed in studio with our main character is 21 and beautiful. Our main character notices how attractive the intern is and after a month or so of working with her is so taken with her beauty and overall self that he asks the intern coordinator to move this intern out of the studio group because he fears that something will happen between them if they continue to work together.

We have no information about how the intern feels about our main character, we are asked to assume that she is just happy for the opportunity but has no interest in him outside the professional world. Apparently the intern coordinator and the DJ are out for an evening with their wives and some comment made by the intern coordinator in reference to the attractive intern that was removed from studio, does not exactly fly over the wife's head and a massive argument ensues. The wife is humiliated that she had no idea this had happened.

What do we think about this situation? Do we feel it was the right thing to do for the DJ to remove the intern from his area because of his overwhelming attraction to her? He insists he did it because he cares about the integrity of his marriage. Thoughts?

I think it's an interesting story that, unfortunately, happens a lot.


Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Sounds to me like the DJ needs to learn how to keep his powder dry – or at the very least, his mouth shut (which is probably tough for him, considering his line of work).

Thu Aug 25, 09:24:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

My whole beef with this is that he assumes the hot intern would want to "hook up" with him.

I also am grossed out that he doesn't "trust himself" around hot women.

He's cheated before...I can sense it. I'm a jedi when it comes to that shit.

Thu Aug 25, 10:34:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Unfortunately your scenario doesn't reveal the intentions of the intern. Sometimes (as with Monica) they can have an agenda too. It takes 2 to tango.

Thu Aug 25, 11:33:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

Yeah, but sometimes people assume one party wants to get on the dance floor...and they don't.

That sounded better in my head.

Thu Aug 25, 11:55:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

I always assume they don't.
It's the best policy.

Thu Aug 25, 11:57:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

p.s. everything always sounds better in your head, Skogg. Where ELSE do YOU hear things, Einstein?

Thu Aug 25, 12:08:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

In my auditory canal.

Thu Aug 25, 01:55:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

And where's that, Skogg, in your head...or in Egypt?
Panama maybe?

Thu Aug 25, 02:12:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

...or maybe out on a farm down by Oral.

Thu Aug 25, 02:13:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

It's on the side of my head, but not enclosed in my head.

Thu Aug 25, 02:43:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

It's in your head, except when your head's in between your glutes as it is right now. Did you have to sit on your plate to each lunch today, Skogg?

Thu Aug 25, 04:06:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...

Oral is a funny word.

Thu Aug 25, 04:06:00 PM MDT  

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