Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Thanks for being patient, and without further ado...


First of all, the controller is no longer the conventional thumb sticks and buttons that has been the standard of late, but a single handed unit that resembles a remote control. The thing about this controller though is that it is completely motion sensitive; in a tennis game, you swing your controller as though it were a racket. In bowling, you actually do the same motions as though you were throwing a bowling ball.

Now that's all well and good for sports games, but what about the first person shooter games or anything that requires actual movement of your character? Well, it also has an attachment that has been dubbed the Nunchuk. You plug it into the bottom of the normal controller and you then have a method of movement. The Nunchuk is also completely motion sensitive, making a boxing game much more interesting.

The reason I mention these sports concepts is that the console came with Wii Sports, which includes Bowling, Tennis, Baseball, Golf and Boxing. All are really fun to play and all of them can be played multi player (provided you have the correct hardware, of course).

Aside from the gaming end of things, the Wii can also do a number of other amazing things. You can connect to the internet and use an Opera browser to do just about anything you can on a normal computer. You can upload pictures to the console and edit them with a paint program integrated into the system and a number of other things.

My last words of praise bring me back to the gaming end of things. First of all, the Wii is reverse compatible with Gamecube games, secondly, it features a program called Virtual Console, with which you can download and play games from the NES, SNES, N64, Genesis and Turbographix, all for $5-$10 each.

It's an amazing system and totally worth the 16 hour wait at Walmart. I'm extremely pleased to see that Nintendo (basically the originator of gaming) will not drop off the face of the planet.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go put some ice on my tennis arm.


Blogger Bill Fleming said...

...and a fine review it was. Nice job, Chob.

Tue Nov 21, 02:31:00 PM MST  

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