Hooray Harlan! Sibby caves.
From Sibson's blog today:
November 12, 2006
Mount Blogmore goes communist
Bill Harlan, Rapid City Journal report, has sent me a couple of emails informing me that me comments on Mount Blogmore are not welcome. Here is an excerpt from Harlan:
"But your lack of civility stands head and shoulders above the rest in an environment not known for its civility."
That pretty much sums up Harlan’s anti-blogger position. He still thinks that the Drive-By media is superior to bloggers. In addition, he wants to run the RCJ journal blog in the same fashion that they run the paper. They use the rules of Political Correctness to silence conservatives, as the far-left is free to attack conservatives.
Out of respect for property rights, I have decided to honor Harlan’s request by no longer posted comments on Mount Blogmore. I have also decided that conservatives should do the same to the RCJ and the Argus Leader that we did to Tony Dean. Boycott their message and hit this promoters of the far-left where it hurts. Their pocket book.
Cry us a river Sibby.
November 12, 2006
Mount Blogmore goes communist
Bill Harlan, Rapid City Journal report, has sent me a couple of emails informing me that me comments on Mount Blogmore are not welcome. Here is an excerpt from Harlan:
"But your lack of civility stands head and shoulders above the rest in an environment not known for its civility."
That pretty much sums up Harlan’s anti-blogger position. He still thinks that the Drive-By media is superior to bloggers. In addition, he wants to run the RCJ journal blog in the same fashion that they run the paper. They use the rules of Political Correctness to silence conservatives, as the far-left is free to attack conservatives.
Out of respect for property rights, I have decided to honor Harlan’s request by no longer posted comments on Mount Blogmore. I have also decided that conservatives should do the same to the RCJ and the Argus Leader that we did to Tony Dean. Boycott their message and hit this promoters of the far-left where it hurts. Their pocket book.
Cry us a river Sibby.
...hummm, based on my non-scientific research political blogging is extremely habit forming. I give him 4-9 days.
Not even 24 hours!
I'm banned by Harlan from even mentioning his name. Pretty funny.
oh yes, I forgot for a moment that it is Sibby we are talking about.
...Owl, under semi house arrest...what is the blogisphere coming to?
Harlan has to do that because he takes heat because we're pals. It's kind lof like being the teacher's kid in school.
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