Friday, April 14, 2006

For the cause...

Via Myspace, I contacted the woman who made the Napoli cartoon.
She happens to be fantastic and I wanted to share with you our conversation.

Hi Stephanie,

We are working on the main South Dakota grassroots website to refer the anti-choice abortion bill that was recently signed into law by our governor, to a vote by the people. There is huge opposition to the law here and we are delighted to be helping fuel the fire.

We are also working on another site (thats not up yet) that will be a bit more cutting edge. That site will be the reciprocal for the larger donations. We were wondering if we could have permission to use your Napoli cartoon on the website. We believe it would help bring both humor and clarity to the situation.

Thanks much for your time (and your cartoon)

Dear Bonny,
By all means, please use it! Can you pull it off my web site? It's at, in the archives section. If not, let me know what email address I should send a copy to.
Thank you, and I wish you victory in defeating the law!

You're awesome!
Thank you so much for bringing national attention to the cause and the stupidity of Mr. Napoli and letting us use your cartoon. It made quite an impact on the people of South Dakota. The World Wide Web is finally proving itself to be the best political vehicle Ive ever seen. I cant believe the networking thats gone on since we started this thing.

Keep up the good work; I cant wait to check out your other cartoons.
Thank you, Thank you!

Dear Bonny,
I'm so happy that my cartoon has been able to contribute something to your efforts -- it's such an important cause! It's great that the people of South Dakota aren't tolerating this stupid law! It will make a big difference to the entire country if you're able to defeat it...many other states are waiting to see what happens, and will go the way South Dakota goes. Women everywhere are counting on you to stop those who want to control our lives!
I agree about the internet -- it's given us ways to connect and spread information that we've never had before -- it's fantastic!
All the best,


Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Very cool. The Spave rules.

Fri Apr 14, 10:48:00 AM MDT  

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