Friday, September 08, 2006


Central Theatre is back in the spotlight and in full swing. Auditions are this Monday and Tuesday, already! We had a great Drama Club meeting last night and a little over 200 students pledged to be members! We are extremely humbled by the amazing turn out and would like to thank all of you for being so supportive of us, the students and the program. We appreciate it so much. We will keep you posted on this year's coming events. Hope you can make it!


Blogger Chop said...

I also have to mention that there was fantastic secret keeping among the instructors. The kids were dumbfounded.

Fri Sep 08, 02:53:00 PM MDT  
Blogger EThunk said...

...will I be scared?

Fri Sep 08, 08:15:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

Is the Gentle Giant playing Frankenstein?

I mean...we've all seen him dance...his movements make him perfect for that part.

I'm just saying...

Tue Sep 12, 09:57:00 AM MDT  

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