Thursday, January 12, 2006


I'm having a discussion about what consciousness is on another blog.

I thought the Spave might have some ideas.

Is everything conscious (ie the universe) or is it reserved for specific species of living beings.

If the latter, which species?

I can't wait to see what you sentients sapients have to say about this.


Blogger Spinfly said...

When I was a little girl I had about 15 teddy bears and other renditions of stuffed creatures who used to sleep on my bed with me, as to not offend any certain one of them, I would hug a different one every night.
Another thought, When ever its time to get a new car after having a relationship with an old car, its always emotional.

I have applied feelings and emotion to other inanimate objects as well, but these are the too that stick out in my mind right now.

Logically in my mind these things don’t have a consciousness, but my brain still gives them one. Maybe my brain knows something that my though and logic doesn’t.

Thu Jan 12, 09:27:00 AM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Anthropomorphism is what I believe we call that.

Interesting that you seem to equate consciousness with feelings and empathy, Spinfly. Is compassion (love) what it's really all about then? Does everything want to "love" everything else?

(...note to self: Wow! Spinny cuts right to the chase.)

Thu Jan 12, 09:38:00 AM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

So, is that what we believe in instead of God, Skleeve? – or as well as God.

(i.e. given your hypothesis that everything is conscious, is that all there is? Or is God somehow separate from and beyond/above/behind/beside /...wherever – that?)

Thu Jan 12, 10:03:00 AM MST  
Blogger Spinfly said...

I didn't necessarily give them voices or personalities. I gave them the ability to have there feelings hurt, thereby giving them feelings, to be hurt.
Today that sort of thing seems silly, but I know I still apply it to certain things.

Thu Jan 12, 10:09:00 AM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

I liked your earlier question, Spinfly. Did you give them, or were they somehow already there? The dolls were afterall made for you to love. So was the car in a way, I suppose. Maybe you were just getting with the program?

Thu Jan 12, 10:48:00 AM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

To Lief's list I would add, "Is there one mind, or many?"

Thu Jan 12, 11:57:00 AM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Skleeve, you little runt, why I've got half a mind to...

...oh, never mind.

Thu Jan 12, 12:53:00 PM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Kong's point exactly. All puns on mind.

Thu Jan 12, 04:00:00 PM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

I've finished "The Gunslinger."

My main comment is "huh?"

The last part reminds me of the visions Ayla had in the cave with Mogur in "Clan of the Cave Bear," and als not unlike some of my own which I've had from time to time, due to various causes which I will refrian from detailing for you at this time.

What's the name of the next book? Is it better than the first one?

(I'm wondering if the kid made it, and betting that he did. But then again, maybe not, he was already dead anyway, right?)

Fri Jan 13, 09:03:00 AM MST  
Blogger Chop said...

Well Kong, the next book is called the Drawing of the Three. All of us Asio folk agree that it is far better than the first book. We all highly recommend continuing(how the hell do you spell that?) the series. Questions shall be answered in time.

Fri Jan 13, 09:16:00 AM MST  
Blogger Spinfly said...

Owl, I wasn't all that interested in the first book to be honest. From the very first moments of the second book I was hooked. You won’t even believe how good it is. The first book has a lot of setting up to do. The next book gets right in there and doesn't stop. It is actually the book I was excited for you to read. So, yes, please continue... pretty, pretty please with lobstrocities on top!

Fri Jan 13, 09:36:00 AM MST  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Okay. I will read the second book. Will it show up in my car like the first one did, or do I have to go buy it?

Fri Jan 13, 10:08:00 AM MST  
Blogger Spinfly said...

Well, like the fate of young Jake, all will be revealed in time.

Fri Jan 13, 10:23:00 AM MST  
Blogger Chop said...

You never know Kong.

tvtug - what I have to do every time I need to move the entertainment center downstairs

Fri Jan 13, 10:24:00 AM MST  

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