Monday, August 08, 2005

Potato potato potato...

Yes...potato potato potato...the sounds of the Harleys are all around us in Rapid City.

I'm having a hard time concentrating on work right now because my office building is right on Hwy 44 (well...technically I'm right on the cusp of change from Jackson Blvd to 44), and the bikes just keep going past.

Potato potato potato

Potato potato potato

Is it worth the noise? I mean, I love the rally...and I have fun up there at least once every year.

But oye...I'm going insane.

Potato potato potato.

Sorry...I just had to get it off my chest. There...I feel better now.

And Skleeve...I accept your apology.


Blogger Sarah said...

The noise is getting worse. I'm officially "twitchy."

Mon Aug 08, 12:08:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Spinfly said...

We're gonna go up there and take pictures. I will keep count and tell you how many times they talk about potatos

Mon Aug 08, 12:19:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

Thank you again, Skleeve. You are forgiven.

Tue Aug 09, 09:14:00 AM MDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hate those dams bikes, too.
they drive around in front of my apt and then rev their engines to make noise and compensate for their small penises...

love the dancing bear.
can i put it on my site too?

Wed Aug 10, 06:13:00 AM MDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont be a blogsnob...

Thu Aug 11, 08:12:00 AM MDT  

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