Thursday, August 04, 2005

Get OFF of me...

This is one of those "Let's Help Letterman and Leno tonight" stories.


And for the Homestar Runner (or Strong Bad) fans out there, here's an interview with the creators. I want to hang with them. They be some funny guys. Yeah,'re pwobabwy wight.


Blogger Spinfly said...

I hate that that happened. Also couldn’t get the Homestar link to work. Just curious, was it the interview they did for All Things Considered on NPR. Cause I heard that one a while back...

I Heart Homestar Runner. I have my very own Teen Girl Squad Tank Top. I says "I have a crush on every boy" on the back of it. And, for the record I had it way back when no one knew who Homestar even was.

Thu Aug 04, 12:57:00 PM MDT  

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