Wednesday, July 20, 2005

This Just In: Owl Arrested in Florida

I couldn't believe it either.

Owl, when did you go to Florida?

The Proof.


Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Who in the f*c* is that guy, Skog?

BTW, Nathan flies in Friday nite. He'll be in town until Tuesday. Tell all the Flemings, please.
Maybe we should have a "get together""
You can be there Skog, if you promise to keep your tongue in your mouth (and your hat on.)

Wed Jul 20, 06:20:00 PM MDT  
Blogger EThunk said...

Midget porn...? Oh, we need to find help for the small ones.

...and by the way, who's Jessika?

Wed Jul 20, 08:58:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

I'll let Eekerz know that Nate is coming to town. He'll probably be able to come up from the Playzow, as Monday is the day off and he's not in Guys and Dolls.

I can come to the get together? I think you're asking a lot for the tongue to stay IN the mouth and the hat to stay ON. Can't I just pick one or the other?

What about my pants? You didn't say anything about my pants.

Thu Jul 21, 07:39:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Somebody do something with Skog, will ya. I gotta get outa here before she drops trou.

Thu Jul 21, 09:34:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Flick, it's going to be a whirlwind trip. Al_bumen's coming in Friday to do a TV commercial and flying out Tues. No time to come up. Too bad, the offering is delightful! See (or at least hear) from you soon.

Thu Jul 21, 09:39:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Chop said...

I have informed the Eekz, he and I will both be in town on Monday. We would both love to see everyone. Maybe a pops or spin party? PARTY!!!

Thu Jul 21, 09:02:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Maybe Saturday we can do something. Sunday we'll be working (sadly)

Fri Jul 22, 08:18:00 AM MDT  

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