Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Owl offers truce to Skoggle

By all means, don't go over there! ...but I went to Skog's Blog
and left her a peace offering while she was gone. (It was
way too nice of me, and about as smoochy as an Owl can
stand to make himself.)

Question is, will she honor my peace offering?...or continue
to shoot arrows at me? Time will tell, children, time will tell.

Remember, don't go over to her Blog. It's way too smoochy.


Blogger Sarah said...

I cleaned up that crap you left on my doorstep before I realized it was a gift.


Tue Jul 19, 09:06:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

Some of you may think my response was mean...but it was actually meant to bring Owl joy.

I read earlier on that his two joys are picking fights with me and some guy on Mt. Blogmore.

If I accepted the peace offering, and got along with Owl...Owl would be miserable.

So this makes him happy...which is what a peace offering acceptance is supposed to do.

Right, Owl?

Tue Jul 19, 09:07:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Um...er..well... I hope you at least ate the honey.
And those eagle feathers are a little hard to come by...
Don't worry... I'll go dig them out of the trash and give them to someone more deserving.

(Good, the war's back on. Just as I hoped.
Heh, heh, heh.)

Tue Jul 19, 09:44:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Treachery reveald. On her blog, Skog thanks me and acts all smoochy. Spinfly, I saw you over there. You should be careful with that. You might get smoochy too.

Tue Jul 19, 09:51:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

(leaves a box of conversation hearts and a stuffed bear on Owl's doorstep)

(mows "I heart Smoochiness" into Owl's yard)

(runs away)

Tue Jul 19, 10:06:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Where are the chocolate covered orange rinds?

Tue Jul 19, 11:07:00 AM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

I gave them to Spinfly.

Tue Jul 19, 11:54:00 AM MDT  
Blogger EThunk said...

Okay you two, I think you both had better plan to attend Clinton's conference.

...and if you do attend, I think I should tag along as chaperone The concept is mighty exciting.

Tue Jul 19, 01:22:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

Weird...I'm already planning on going to that.

Clinton called me personally and asked me if I was interested in an internship during the conference.

I wonder what I'll be doing...

Tue Jul 19, 01:51:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

Be sure to wear your blue dress Skog.
And take some cigars, babe.

Thanks for the invite Ethunk, but if you go there with Skog, you'll have your hands full the way it is. I've heard that the only kinda chix that like Clinton better than Dems are Repubs.

Yesiirrreeee, my main man. Bill Clinton.

He feels your pain.

Tue Jul 19, 03:23:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Sarah said...

What about a snazzy black beret? Can I wear a snazzy black beret?

Wed Jul 20, 12:03:00 PM MDT  
Blogger Bill Fleming said...

"Baby take off your dress...
yes, yes, yes, ...but leave yo hat on."

From "Leave Your Hat On"
by Randy Newman

Wed Jul 20, 05:52:00 PM MDT  

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